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(Somehow I have the worst luck and I'm sick again. Gonna be slower with this book for a while)

"-and as such, the school will be shut down starting tonight and until further notice" Wednesday read the email aloud as (y/n) buried his face in her lap and tried not to think much of anything else. "Well that's that then" she glanced down at the boy. "You should go pack your bags, don't leave them until the last moment"

"Seriously?" (Y/n)'s voice was muffled because of the position he was in but it was still understandable "that's your reaction?"

"Did you expect more?" Wednesday grabbed the boy by the hair and pulled his head up so he was looking at her.

"You could at least sound upset" (y/n) huffed as he crossed his arms and sat back up.

Wednesday leaned forward and placed a quick kiss on the boys lips. "I am upset"

"Good. So am I" (y/n) said as he got off of the bed and stood up. He frowned as he left Wednesday's room and went to go pack.

Wednesday watched as the boy closed the door behind them. "Thing?" The hand was quick to crawl out from under Wednesday's bed and look up at her. "I want you to go with (y/n) tonight and report back to me at least once a day." she pulled out a phone that she had bought for just this situation and held it out. Thing climbed up onto the bed and took it. "Thank you"


"I thought you'd be with Wednesday" Courtney spoke as she walked through the boys open door. "I went to her room but she said you were here"

"Have to pack" (y/n) shrugged as he threw a sweater into his suitcase. "What can I help you with braceface?"

Courtney frowned. "I really wish you'd stop calling me that"

"Not gonna happen" (y/n) replied with a small smile. "Now speak or start helping"

"Right. I'm heading home around six, want me to drive you or do you want to take an Uber so you can stay later?"

(Y/n) considered it for a moment before shrugging. "I'd prefer you driving me. Pretty sure Wednesday's train leaves around the same time anyways so it's not like I could spend more time with her. She texted me something about that a minute ago"

"Alright cool" Courtney nodded as she watched the boy pack his bag. "You don't really have a lot of stuff do you?"

"Not really" (y/n) shrugged as he picked up the Wednesday pillow and put it in the bag before zipping it shut. "Take this will you?"


Wednesday carried her bags and placed them down on the ground as she sat down on the fountain in the quad. She waited until she saw (y/n) and he walked over to sit beside her. "So what now?"

"I don't know" (y/n) frowned. "There's so much I thought we'd do together before we were separated"

"Such as?" Wednesday replied as she put her hand atop her boyfriends hand.

"Binge the Winnie the Pooh movies"


"Make a secret tunnel between our rooms"

"Most likely impossible"

"Murder Xavier"

"This would actually be the ideal time for that, with a murderer on the loose and all. We just need to be careful"

"Paint your side of the room pink"

"You do that and I'll start cutting your fingers off"

"Cuddle more"

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