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(Y/n) was woken up by Wednesday. She had gotten out of bed and walked over to the window. It must have been around midnight. "What're you looking at Hon?" He asked as Wednesday quickly turned back to him.

"The police are outside talking to the school staff" (y/n) quickly sat up. "All students have been ordered to stay inside as they conduct their investigation"

"So you're planning on going out and investigating on your own?" Wednesday nodded and (y/n) quickly got out of bed.

"You are staying here" Wednesday quickly glared at the boy.

"Like hell I am" (y/n) replied as he walked to the closet and grabbed his coat.

When he turned around Wednesday was standing right behind him. "You are staying here" she grabbed him by the collar and pulled his head down to her level. "I will not risk your health on such a trivial matter as a police investigation"

(Y/n) quickly grabbed Wednesday's hand and forced it off of him. "If you're going I'm going" he spoke as he held her hand in his.

Wednesday stared at the boy for a minute before pulling her hand away. "Fine. Neither of us are going" her answer surprised the boy and he watched as she walked back to bed.

"What?" (Y/n) slid off his coat and threw it onto his desk chair. "Are we really not-"

"No we are not" Wednesday crossed her arms as she waited for the boy to once again join her back in the bed. "People have gotten hurt when I let them help investigate. You will not be joining that list of people"

"...okay" (y/n) nodded as he walked back over to Wednesday and lay down beside her. He was a bit disappointed in the outcome but he did appreciate how much Wednesday seemed to be showing her feelings at this moment, even if that could be attributed to tiredness after a long day.

They lay together like that just Wednesday staring at the ceiling while (y/n) stared at Wednesday. "Promise you're not going to sneak off as soon as I fall asleep?"

"I promise" Wednesday spoke as she turned her head to look at the boy. "I will be here all through the night"


(Y/n) woke up somewhere around two in the morning. Of course Wednesday had snuck out and was no longer there. "Wednesday Friday Addams I'm so going to kill you for this" he huffed as he quickly got up and grabbed his coat from his chair.

The boy walked to the window and quickly pushed it open only to be met with the cold air outside. He quickly walked out and zipped his coat. "Now where the hell are you?" The boy sniffed but kept his head down so nobody noticed him. The forest. Wednesday was in the forest... so was someone else.

"Fuck! I liked these" (y/n) quickly began running as he began the transformation. His clothes ripped off as he continued to change. Soon enough he was in full lion form running on all fours across the rooftop.

After making his way into the forest the lion quickly followed Wednesday's scent until he finally saw her. The other persons scent was close by. "(Y/n)?" She asked as the lion ran up to her. "What are you-"

Wednesday was cut off as the boy grabbed the back of her sweater with his teeth and began carrying her back towards the school. "(Y/n) let me go or I swear I-" the girl was silenced by a large and angry growl from the boy.

Wednesday didn't fight back after that. She just hung there being carried by the boy as he climbed up the dorm building and to their room.

He placed her on the ground facing away from him before changing back and quickly getting dressed. "What the hell did you think you were doing?" (Y/n) asked prompting Wednesday to turn around only to be met by a slap to the face.

"Did you just-" Wednesday couldn't help the small smile that appeared on her face. "I needed to investigate. There was another murder"

"Yeah and you were about to be murdered too you moron!" (Y/n) growled as he tried and failed to calm down. "Or you were at least gonna get caught. There was one other smell close to you in the forest. You said you were going to stay here!"

"I say many things" Wednesday replied as she crossed her arms. "However the decision to go back on them is mine and mine alone"

"No. You can't just break an important promise like that. Especially one that almost got you killed!" (y/n) replied as he grabbed the girls arm and pulled her to him. "I'm not going to just let you get through this without having consequences"

Wednesday gave him a curious look. "And what pray tell are you trying to say?"

"You go off and do something stupid and dangerous again after telling me you won't and we're done" Wednesday's eyes widened at the harsh words. She could tell he was serious. "Next time you tell me at the very least what you plan to do. And you can't go it alone. I don't care if you take me, Enid, Courtney, or even fucking Xavier, I just need to know someone is watching your back. Okay?"

Wednesday wasted no time in nodding in response. "...Perhaps I was a bit reckless tonight" she sounded annoyed to admit it. "I won't break a promise about something important... I promise"

"Thank you" (y/n) quickly pulled Wednesday into a hug and kissed the top of her head as his eyes started to tear up. "I thought I was going to lose you..."

Wednesday shook her head before kissing the boys neck. "I'm here. And I will be for the foreseeable future" she hugged the boy back and cuddled into him. "But that doesn't mean I won't be investigating this murder. I'll take Enid with me next time okay?"

She could feel the boys tears drop onto her head as he nodded in response. "Come, let's get you to bed" she gently pulled away from the hug and took the boys hand as she lead him to the shared bed.

Word count: 1063

(Favorite part of the chapter?)

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