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(The amount of time that it's taking me to get over this sickness is nothing less than astounding)

"Feeling any better?" Enid asked with a pity filled look.

"Just peachy" (y/n) groaned as he lay his head on the cafeteria table.

"You're not contagious are you?" The boy shook his head in response. "Good. I've missed having you around"

"I miss being semi healthy" (y/n)'s stomach growled. "And I miss being able to eat food and keep it down"

"Gross" Enid frowned as she bit into an orange. "Where's Wednesday?"

"Who knows" (y/n) sniffled as he looked up from where his head was on the table. "I think she said something about getting me something to make me feel better"

Enid frowned. "If it were anyone else I'd assume some sort of sexy outfit or some medicine. With Wednesday I'm thinking she may be preparing to euthanize you"

(Y/n) felt the pain in his head flare up and groaned. "I don't think I'd mind that. The word euthanize implies it's at least humane"

"Don't talk like that" Enid glanced around. "If Wednesday hears you she may actually try it"

"No she won't. She likes cuddling me" (y/n) rubbed his head as he closed his eyes.

"She could cuddle a taxidermy (y/n) just as easily" Enid spoke causing the boy to once again open his eyes and look at her. "Yes, she knows how to taxidermy"

(Y/n) nodded. "Neat. Still learning new things about her"

"That's the adventure of a relationship" Enid shrugged. "You don't know nearly everything"

"Oh I'm sure"


After breakfast Enid took (y/n) by the arm and walked him to his first class. She left him there and soon enough Wednesday arrived before sitting besides the boy. "How do you feel?"

(Y/n) quickly looked to see two Wednesday's sitting there. "Better now that you two are here"

"That bad?" Wednesday frowned as she put her hand to the boys head. Her hand was freezing against the boys hot forehead. "Your fever is back. You should head back to your dorm"

"I want to be with you" (y/n) shook his head. "I can't sleep alone right now anyways"

"You have your stuffed animals" Wednesday countered.

"A plush Kricketune is an amazing thing but it pales in comparison to your cuddles" (y/n) huffed causing Wednesday to roll her eyes.

"If you don't go to bed I won't give you your present" the boys head quickly shot up. "Go"

"Fine. But I want that present" (y/n) stood before slowly walking to the door, stumbling a few times on the way.


Wednesday silently entered (y/n)'s room to find the boy shivering on his bed with only his head poking out of his blanket. "Welcome to my hell" (y/n) coughed as he watched Wednesday walk over to him with a bag in her hand. "What did you get me?"

"A potion made by my mother" She pulled a vial from the bag. "It should make you feel better"

(Y/n) nodded. "I was hoping for Lego"

"Just drink" Wednesday uncapped the vial before putting it to the boys mouth and forcing him to drink.

Once finished (y/n) spoke again. "I feel the same"

"It takes about fifteen minutes or so" Wednesday replied as she sat on the bed and ran her hand through her boyfriends hair.

(Y/n) huffed but leaned his head into the girls touch. "You seem to have some sort of fixation with my hair"

"I have no such thing" Wednesday replied quickly as she pulled away.

"Hey! No! Don't stop that" (y/n) grabbed Wednesday's hand and pulled it back to his hair. "I never said it was a bad thing. I like it too"

"So why bring up these allegations?" Wednesday asked, refusing to admit it, as she resumed running her hand through the boys hair.

"I don't know. I'm out of it today. Just saying the first things that pop into my mind" (y/n) shrugged as Wednesday pulled her hand away before picking up the boy, with some difficulty, and using both hands to make him sit in her lap. "You're really comfy" he smiled as he leaned back into Wednesday.

"I'm aware" Wednesday replied back as she put her arms around the boy. "You're lighter than before, although I suppose it makes sense seeing how sick you seem to be"

"I suppose so" (y/n) nodded with a shrug. "I still don't see how I haven't crushed you to death yet"

"As I've said I'm sturdier than I appear to be. You're crushing me just the right amount" Wednesday kissed the back of the boys neck.

The boy smiled at the feeling before looking back at Wednesday. "I'm glad to hear it... I think?" The boy shrugged once more as he looked back ahead.

The two were silent for another minute or two. "I'm starting to feel a bit better"

"Good. The potion works" Wednesday nodded as she turned the boy around so he was facing her and his legs were wrapped around her waist.

"I like this position" (y/n) spoke as he reached out and grabbed Wednesday's cheeks with both hands. "I can see your squishy little face"

"You're an idiot" Wednesday's words lost most of their threatening tone since her cheeks were being squished together to make a kissy face as she spoke.

"I'm your idiot" (y/n) leaned forward and pressed his lips against Wednesday's before pulling away a moment later. "And that's just how you like it"

Wednesday was silent for a moment before nodding. "I will admit I do enjoy being the smartest one in the room"

"Right. Nobody is surprised by that" (y/n) shook his head as he kissed Wednesday one more time.

Word count: 1021

(Would you read a story about Superman helping a boy to see that life is worth living? If so would you rather the boy kill himself at the end or would you rather Superman convince him. Your answer will not determine anything about the story)

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