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(I'm tired of the family... Eros may one day return)

Wednesday walked down the halls of the boy's dormitories. She stopped in front of (y/n)'s room and was quick to knock on the door. Breakfast had just ended so she had separated from (y/n) and quickly made her way here.

The door opened and Wednesday looked up to be met with the face of (y/n)'s father. "(Y/n) isn't here" he spoke assuming she was just one of his friends.

"I know" Wednesday spoke as she crossed her arms. "He's been staying with me. I'm here to make certain that all your bags are packed. I want you all gone by the time most of the parents leave"

(Y/n)'s father gave her a confused look but shrugged. "Everyone's packing now-"

"Well hurry it up" Wednesday spoke quickly. "And if anything in that room has been broken, stained, or anything of that sort rest assured I will personally see to it that (y/n) holds you responsible"

The father stared at Wednesday for another moment. "You really think you're scary don't you?"

"As would you if you knew what was good for you. I'm the woman who poisoned your wife last night"

"Oh. Well thanks. She slept in the infirmary so it was finally semi quiet in the room" Wednesday had to admit she was a bit surprised at the man's reaction. Her main experience with parents were her own so she had expected something akin to that.

"So do we have an understanding?" Wednesday asked as she glared at the tall man.

"Sure, why not" he stepped back and closed the door in Wednesday's face.

Wednesday stared at the door for a moment before turning and walking back the way she had came. That hadn't gone the way she had expected.


(Y/n) lay on the fountain in the center of the quad as he watched the kids and their families around him interact. He was supposed to be meeting Enid here but he was beginning to think she had forgotten.

"Well this was a waste of time" the boy muttered as he held his hand above his face and looked at it. "That's one nice hand" he muttered once more as he put his hand back down. "That's it. I'm done waiting"

The boy was about to sit up when suddenly Wednesday appeared above him. "I thought you'd be with your family" he spoke as Wednesday sat down beside his head.

"I will be. But before that I decided to tell you of my plans" (y/n) looked up at Wednesday with a confused look prompting her to explain. She pulled something from her pocket and held it up. "Thing brought me this hair-"

"Good for you"

"Don't interrupt me" Wednesday quickly snapped back before continuing what she was saying. "It's your mother's hair. Using the magical skills I've picked up over the years I can use it to torment her in just about any way imaginable" Wednesday gave a small smirk at the sadistic grin on the boys face. "I had my own ideas but I wanted to see if you had any as well"

"Can you make it so she never speaks to me again?" (Y/n) asked as he quickly sat up and looked over at the shorter girl.

"Consider it done" Wednesday nodded before slipping the hair back into her pocket. "Once they've left I'll start the ritual. And what of the rest of your family?"

"They're smart enough to leave me alone" (y/n) replied quickly. "No need to do anything to them... unless you just want to. In that case go ahead and use Nero as a punching bag or something"

Wednesday nodded. She was about to stand up when (y/n) quickly took her head between his hands and kissed her forehead. "Thanks hon"

Wednesday nodded and removed the boys hands from her face, taking them in her own. "From now on, the only one who gets to torment you is me" she stood up before letting go of the boys hands and walking away.

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