Classes Resume

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(This chapter isn't great)

Classes took another couples days to start up again. Those two days had gone by with nothing worth noting happening, mostly just (y/n) laying by the window and reading Wednesday's novels or talking with the two girls and avoiding making other friends.

"(Y/n)" the boy was pulled from his thoughts and quickly looked up at Wednesday. They were sitting in their first class waiting for it to start. "Don't you dare"

(Y/n) looked down and noticed he was one small movement from knocking her phone off the table. "Sorry" he muttered as he pulled his hand away. "It's been days since I've transformed. It's causing me to be more cat like"

Wednesday grabbed her phone and shoved it in her pocket. "Get control of yourself" she spoke as he raised his hand. "No" she quickly swatted it before he could touch her face. She shook her head before putting her hand on his head and rubbing it.

(Y/n) purred and placed his head on the table. "You're ridiculous" Wednesday spoke as she continued.

"Yet we're still friends" (y/n) spoke between purrs. He quickly yelped when Wednesday's petting turned into her yanking his hair and making him look up at her. "Okay! I'll try harder to control myself!" Wednesday nodded in approval before letting go and letting his head fall back to the table. "I miss the Wednesday who forced me onto a date two days ago"

"You agreed not to discuss that in public" Wednesday glared at the boy causing him to shut up.


"I hate this place" (y/n) muttered as he sat poking his food with his fork. The lunch room was quickly filling up with people of all types.

"So you've said" Wednesday spoke as she and Enid walked over to the table. Wednesday sat down beside the boy while Enid sat across from them. "You'll enjoy it more once things get interesting-"

"Oh no he won't" Enid shook her head. "Unless you like the threat of death around every corner"

"I don't like the threat, I'd much rather just get it over with" (y/n) pushed his food away from him and lay his head on the table. "Although judging by the other day that's very possible"

"Agreed" Wednesday nodded as she picked up her utensils and began cutting her steak. "Sit up" she spoke as she held the fork with the meat up.

(Y/n) sighed before sitting up. He opened his mouth to speak before Wednesday shoved the food into his mouth. "You two are absolutely my OTP!" Enid almost squealed in excitement as she watched them.

Wednesday glared at Enid before pulling her fork back. "You always know just the wrong thing to say"

"It's her gift" (y/n) replied as he finished chewing the food. "And this is humiliating" he spoke as Wednesday stabbed the meat with the fork again.

"Good. That's half the reason I'm doing this" Wednesday nodded approvingly before biting into the next piece she cut off of her steak.

"Only half?" (Y/n) asked with a smile.

"I had a sneaking suspicion that the cooks had poisoned my food. You didn't keel over so I decided it's safe to eat" of course this was a quick lie the girl had made up, (y/n) suspected this. Wednesday would have enjoyed the poison, especially if it were the kind to slowly kill her.

"Ah. Now it makes more sense" Enid's smile disappeared as she apparently didn't catch on like (y/n) had.

"Would you like some?" Wednesday held a piece out towards Enid who quickly leaned away from her friend. "Suit yourself" Wednesday spoke before she once again bit into what was on her fork.


"So what's going on between the two to you?" Enid asked as she opened her phone to take notes on the boys answers. Wednesday had just left the dorm in order to meet Eugene at their club.

"I've got no clue" (y/n) replied honestly with a shrug. "I'd guess that she's manipulating me in order to get something"

"Sounds about right" Enid nodded in response. "That girl is a grade A manipulator"

"That's kinda hot"

"You're kinda weird"


"Let's not bring tushies into this"

"And you called me weird" (y/n) shook his head as Enid broke into a laugh.

"You're both strange" the two turned to see Wednesday walk into the room.

"I thought you had a club to get to" (y/n) spoke as he quickly stood up and just as quickly wondered why he did such a thing.

"Eugene is sick. I fed the bees and then made my way back here" She walked towards the two before looking down at (y/n). "Did you finish any of the books I gave you?"

"I'm halfway through the third one" (y/n) nodded in response. "Second was just as amazing as the first in all the same ways and then some"

"Good. I'm glad somebody here appreciates my writing talent" Wednesday nodded before walking back to her side of the room and taking a seat on her bed.

"Well now that you're here roomie how about you answer a question or two?" Before Wednesday could say no Enid had continued. "What's going on between my two besties?"

"Absolutely nothing" Wednesday replied matter of factly.

"Nothing?" Enid crossed her arms before getting up and walking towards Wednesday. "I hear he may be asking you to the Rave'N this year" the girl lied as she stared Wednesday down.

"I already told him that's not happening" Wednesday replied a bit to quickly.

"Aha! So there is something happening between you two!" Enid squealed as she jumped up and down. Wednesday shook her head in disapproval.

By the time Enid had turned back towards her side of the room she saw (y/n) pushing a glass of water off her nightstand. "Hey! No!" She groaned as the glass hit the ground and spilled. "You really need to transform" she groaned as Wednesday suppressed a laugh.

Word count: 1037

(I think I'm going to start doing more time skips between chapters, otherwise there's no way we get to the fun stuff anytime soon)

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