Swap Part 2

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(Almost forgot to post this today)

"Come on!" Wednesday giggled as she watched her boyfriend finish setting up the television he had put off setting up for months. "You're taking to long!"

"Settle down" the boy replied as he threw the remote for the TV to Wednesday. It hit her in the forehead but she ignored that and caught it before it fell to the ground. "Yay!" She quickly sat down on the bed and opened up Disney plus on the TV.

"And what pray tell are you planning to force me to watch?" (Y/n) asked as he walked over to Wednesday and sat down beside her.

"Cars!" Wednesday smiled as she put and arm around the boys shoulders as she leaned her head against him.

"I liked cars before all this. I know I'll dislike it now because I have your emotions but if I find that I still dislike this even when I'm back to normal I promise you I will make your life a living hell"

Wednesday looked up at the boy before kissing him. "You'll still like it. The potions doesn't have any long term side effects... I hope" she quickly clicked the play button and lay back in the bed as the movie started. "Come cuddle me!"

(Y/n) sighed but lay back beside Wednesday before she quickly wrapped her arms around him and moved close to him.


"We should really stop spying on them" Enid spoke as she glanced over at Courtney.

"Oh I'm not watching them" Courtney spoke as she stared at the TV. "I love Cars" she knocked on the window causing both the people inside to turn to her. "Can I come on and watch with you?"

"Of course!" Wednesday waved the girl in as (y/n) glared at her and tightened the grip his arms had around Wednesday.

"Sweet!" Courtney quickly pushed the window open more and walked inside, leaving Enid alone outside and just barely out of (y/n) and Wednesday's view. "I've been meaning to rewatch this"

"Well you're more than welcome to do it with us" Wednesday patted the spot of the bed on her other side prompting Courtney to jump into bed and sit there. (Y/n) huffed but Wednesday just gave him a light slap on the back of the head as she cuddled back into him.


By the time the movie was over (y/n) had managed to fall asleep in Wednesday's lap. Wednesday grabbed the remote and turned the movie off as Courtney lay back on the bed. "That was great"

"It was" Wednesday nodded in agreement as she looked down at her boyfriend. "Want to mess with him?"

"Absolutely!" Courtney whisper yelled as Wednesday giggled at her excitement. "Alright great. What should we do to him?"


(Y/n) awoke a few moments later to the sounds of screaming. "Fuck fuck fuck!" He quickly sat up and looked to see Wednesday was outside with Enid behind the safety of the window. Courtney on the other hand was trying to stomp out a fire that was enveloping the boys blanket which now lay on the floor.

"What the hell happened?!" (Y/n) growled as he stood up and began trying to help Courtney.

"Wednesday wanted to mess with you. One thing became another and when she was carrying a candle and she dropped it when a spider scared her, she's afraid of spiders now by the way" they had finally gotten the fire out and (y/n) quickly turned to glare at Wednesday who quickly hid behind Enid.

"Stupid girl" (y/n) muttered as he picked up his now ruined blanket. He glared once again at the girl peaking out from behind Enid. "She's going to suffer for this"

"You could always spank her" Courtney giggled at her idea as (y/n) gave her an unamused look. "You can't tell me you weren't thinking it too!"

(Y/n) rolled his eyes but instead of denying Courtney's words he just moved on and walked over to the window before pushing it open. "Wednesday in. Courtney and Enid away" Courtney quickly rushed out of the room as Enid pushed Wednesday in against her will. "Away" (y/n) repeated and the two blondes quickly disappeared.

"What are you going to do to me?" Wednesday asked timidly as (y/n closed the window.

"Give me your wallet" (y/n) quickly held his hand out. Wednesday slowly nodded and did as he said. The boy slipped the girls credit card out and walked away. "I'm going to get a new blanket and a few other things I want. I expect you've learned your lesson?" Wednesday nodded. "Good" (y/n) quickly smacked the girl on the back of the head.

"Ow!" Wednesday yelped as she rubbed where she was hit. "That's not as fun with your personality" she muttered. "What was that even for?"

"You almost burned the building down. You should be happy I didn't do as Courtney suggested and spanked you" Wednesday blushed and shook her head, shocked Courtney had actually suggested that.


Courtney and Enid sat eating their dinners when they noticed Wednesday walk into the cafeteria alone. It was still seeing her in Enid's pink sweater. She sat across from them. "How'd it go?"  Courtney asked with a smirk.

"He didn't do as you suggested fortunately for me" Courtney's smirk disappeared and she just shrugged. "He has more restraint than I would if I were him. Have the two of you actually done anything behind kissing?" It was at this point Enid started really paying attention.

Wednesday stared at Courtney before replying. "Cuddling, premarital hand holding, stuff of that nature"

Courtney nodded. "So no... you know?"

Wednesday gave Courtney an annoyed look. "He checks me out sometimes but that's the extent of it"

"Gotcha" Courtney nodded once again in understanding. "Now onto a less uncomfortable topic. How the hell did this personality stuff happen?"

"I created a potion for potions class and (y/n) being (y/n) accidentally spilled it when I let him look at it" Wednesday rolled her eyes.

"After what happened half an hour ago you're hardly in a place to judge" Enid spoke up causing Wednesday to groan.

"I'm not gonna live that down am I?" She asked causing the other two girls to look at each other.

"You'll live it down a lot sooner than you will dancing happily in that pink sweater" Courtney laughed as she grabbed Enid's phone and started playing the video.

Wednesday groaned again and hit her head against the table.

Word count: 1120

(Wasn't gonna write this but people wanted a part 2 and I had a long car ride. Favorite part of the chapter?)

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