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Wednesday sat on the swing, her eyes fixed on the school below. The fog that blanketed the ground, muffling the sounds of the early morning as it slowly cascaded over the ground. The dead tree creaked beneath her weight, but she wasn't worried about getting hurt, she liked the rush it gave her.

School had recently started back up and her boyfriend had a hard time getting back into the swing of things. She tried telling him to just get over it, just study more, but even she felt like she was being a bit harsh. She truly did care for him, but she found it difficult to express her feelings.

Behind her, she herd the rapid tap tap tap of nails on the cobbled path. She turned to face Thing as he hopped on her lap and gestured at her to communicate.

"I'm just watching everyone beneath me."

Thing stood on his stump and gestured again.

"There's nothing more to it, Thing."

Thing shook his finger and spelled something out in sign language.




Wednesday glared at Thing as she rocked gently on the swing. "I do not lie unless it is truly needed."

Thing repeated the same gestures, spelling the same thing once again.

"I admit, I lie more than that. It doesn't change my answer much"

Thing paused before spelling something out.


She sighed, the swing creaking in response. She noticed that he was acting a bit more lethargic lately, even after her traumatic experience wearing 'the dress', he didn't seem to gain much of his usual energy back. She was concerned, but each time she remembered how she acted on her concerns, she realized that she might've been a bit... Mean. How was she supposed to show Y/N that she cared? Should she offer to take him on a tour of the family's graveyard or maybe invite him to a séance? He did ask her to teach him some magic before? No, from her experiences with the boy, he'd probably complain that a ghoul followed him home or he'll fall asleep and get sucked into the nether realm, which was an idea she was not very fond of.

She turned to Thing,  "What am I supposed to do? My-The idiot is complicated." she asked, hoping for some guidance.

Thing tapped his fingers on the tree trunk, considering her question. After a moment, he scurried off, returning moments later with a stick before drawing something in the muck.

Wednesdays eyes flashed, but she maintained a neutral expression.

"Of course, to understand an idiot, we need another one."


Enid listened patiently as Wednesday explained her dilemma. Rubbing her eyes as she fought off the sleep "Well he usually gets in a better mood when you're around" she suggested.

Wednesday shook her head. "That's not enough. Why do you think I'm here?"

"Because we're roomies and besties?"

Wednesday just looked at Enid.

"Fine. I'm not sure what you can... Oh!  What about-"

"You'd have to kill me first before I'll wear that dress."

"Courtney and I think it'll match your eyes!"

Wednesday put her hand up, signaling Enid to stop the discussion so they could return to her problem.

Wednesday's Child Is Full Of WoeWhere stories live. Discover now