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"You know what?" Courtney asked as she glared at (y/n), who was currently driving her yellow convertible. "It really adds a lot of stress to being in the car when you play flight of the bumblebee. I'm turning this thing off" she quickly pressed the off button of the radio.

"You're no fun" (y/n) sighed as he kept his eyes on the highway ahead of them. "And what is a car ride without some music?"

"Most music is fine but what you were playing is stress inducing" Courtney rolled her eyes as she watched the boy drive. She hated to admit it but he was actually pretty good at it... better than she was even.

"Is that a hitchhiker?" (Y/n) asked as he noticed a guy on the side of the road.

"Don't stop for him. Could be the murderer" Courtney quickly spoke.

"I wasn't going to. I'm not stupid enough to pick up a stranger. How could that ever end well?" (Y/n) rolled his eyes.

Courtney turned to look at him. "You realize that's the entirety of what Uber is"

"And until I came to this school I had never taken an Uber" (y/n) replied with a shrug as they passed the hitchhiker. "And the only reason I agreed to take them here was because I was certain that Wednesday could fight if the driver pulled out a weapon"

"So now that Wednesday's gone you just won't take Uber?" Courtney asked she put her hand out where the window had been and giggled at the feeling of the wind against it.

"Not unless I've used the driver before and like him"

"Why him and not h-"

"I'm not sexist. It just so happens that all the Ubers in this town are male. You live here, you should know that"

"I drive myself or Pat drives me. Only ever took an Uber when I went out with you guys while school was still in session"

(Y/n) was about to reply when his phone suddenly rang. "Wedne-"

"Don't you dare pick up while driving" Courtney quickly piped up not wanting him to crash her car.

"I wasn't going to. Get the phone and put it on speaker"

"You won't be able to hear shit over the wind" Courtney shook her head as she reached into the boys pocket and pulled out his phone. "It's, and this is quoting what you have him as in your contacts, son of a bitch #2"

"Oh" (y/n) frowned with a sigh. "That's my brother Eros. Don't think you met him. Pick up i suppose. He doesn't usually call"

Courtney shrugged before picking up and putting the phone on speaker. "What's with all the wind?!" The boys question wouldn't have been bearable over the wind if not for (y/n)'s enhanced hearing.

"I'm in a convertible from the 70's with a hot blonde" Courtney smirked as she continued looking straight at the road.

Eros was silent for a couple moments before replying. "... how do you of all people end up living the life I want to live?"

"A rare mix of luck, silliness, and possible undiagnosed depression. What can I help you with?"

"Heard your school was closed down. We need to know if you're coming back or not. I replaced your bed with a dresser and really don't feel like switching them out again. This room is to cramped for six of us as well you know"

"I'm not coming back. Your dresser is safe for now... I swear to god if you touched-"

"Your toys are safe for now" his brother replied dismissively.

"Great. Thanks!" (Y/n) pulled off the highway and slowed down as he got onto one of the towns main roads. "Do you think you could actually ship some of them out to me? My room where I'm staying could use a homey touch"

"You gonna pay for the shipping?" Eros quickly replied sounding like he already knew the answer.

"Never mind" (y/n) replied quickly before snapping his fingers to get Courtney's attention before motioning for her to hang up the call. "Bye! Love you!" Courtney promptly hung up. "Hah, that love part should leave him confused"

"It should?" Courtney asked earning a nod from the boy. "Your family is weird"

"Hey the way I see it your family is even weirder. A happy family? Who the fuck has ever had that? Seems unrealistic" (y/n) shook his head before stopping at a red light. "I could really get used to this car"

"Don't. With these gas prices you're lucky I'm letting you take it out now" Courtney shook her head as the light turned green and (y/n) started driving again.

"Wednesday left some gold for me to use" Courtney's head quickly perked up. "Maybe we can find somewhere to trade that in for cash?"

"That is definitely a good idea" Courtney nodded excitedly at the idea of the money. Suddenly the phone started ringing and Courtney looked down. "Speak of the devil and she shall come"

(Y/n) quickly pulled over and grabbed his phone. "You drive" he quickly picked up the phone and put it to his ear as he and Courtney switched places. "Bonjour mademoiselle Muffin"

"I told you to stop calling me that" Wednesday spoke as Courtney began driving back towards her house. "Enid called my mother and informed her that I was neglecting you. Needless to say mother was very proud"

"I can't tell if your family is weirder or just as weird as Courtney's" (y/n) laughed a bit at the comparison. "Anyways Muffin if you don't start keeping your phone on you at all times I promise you will come down there and paint your family's house pink"

Wednesday was silent for a moment. "Fine... you can be very threatening when you want to be"

"You know it babe" (y/n) replied which got a groan back from Wednesday. "So how's life without little old me treating you?"

"Wonderful" (y/n) frowned at the reply and was silent. "I jest of course-"

"I didn't know you did that" (y/n) giggled as he stared at a dog that was being walked up ahead.

"Well unfortunately it seems your personality has ever so slightly rubbed off on me. Even my family have noticed"

(Y/n) nodded even though Wednesday wouldn't see it. "Okay, seriously though, how're things?"

"Dull as ever. Fortunately Lurch managed to get my old electric chair operational once again, although I may need to find someone other than Pugsly to use it on, his reactions are no longer suitable to entertain me"

"Are you sure you weren't the serial killer here?" (Y/n) asked with a laugh.

"You flatter me" Wednesday replied, (y/n) could almost hear the small smile on her face.

"Yeah..." (y/n) sighed as it sunk in even more that Wednesday wasn't there with him. "I miss you"

"I know" Wednesday replied simply. "I suppose I have missed you as well"

Word count: 1200

(Boy did everyone take my little joke at the end of last chapter seriously. It was funny to watch everyone panic like that)

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