The Semester Begins

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Class hadn't even started yet and already (y/n) wasn't enjoying it. He was in the classroom just waiting on the teacher at that point. He hissed as he fell off the chair, trying to get away from the giant spiders that the werewolves must have somehow managed to sneak into his bag. He hadn't met many of them yet but they seemed to know he was here.

The other students that had arrived early laughed as (y/n) stood up and quickly ran behind Wednesday. She gave him a look of confusion. "It's only an arachnid"

"Kill it! Kill it! Kill it!" (Y/n) hissed as he glared daggers at the arachnid that was making its way out of his backpack.

Wednesday shook her head in disbelief. She grabbed her shoe and pulled it off before walking over to the spider. A moment later the creature was squished against the bottom of the aforementioned shoe. "While I don't mind killing things for you, you must learn to control your fears"

"Oh yeah? What would you do if I made you watch a scary movie?" (Y/n) crossed his arms and watched as Wednesday put her shoe back on. "Legally blonde? The-"

"Enough" Wednesday spoke causing the boy to shut up. "Your first example was enough to make your point"

"Good" (y/n) nodded before sitting down in the seat besides Wednesday's seat. Wednesday grabbed the boys bag and dropped it beside him before sitting in her seat.


The rest of the day was not much better. Between snide remarks from the werewolves he was forced to sit between in history, and a particularly bitey plant in botany class the boy would quickly be regretting coming to this school if not for Enid.

"Does it still hurt?" Enid asked as she reached out and poked the boys arm. He winced a bit as he pulled it back from her.

"Yes. Yes it does" he replied with a nod as he looked down at his lunch. It didn't look as appealing as what he'd had the day before.

"Is it agony?" Wednesday asked causing the boy to nod. "Oh to be in your position"

"You're a strange, creepy little girl" (y/n) spoke shaking his head.

Wednesday looked like she was torn between thanking him for the compliment and slapping him for calling her a little girl. She decided to just stay silent.

Enid carefully took the boys arm where it wasn't bitten and pulled it towards her before looking it over. "I can stitch the holes in your uniform but I have no clue how to get blood out. Luckily it's not that much"

"Why would you want to get it out?" The two turned to Wednesday who just went back to pouring a sauce that looked suspiciously like blood onto her chicken.

"Is that-" Enid made a grossed out look.

"There's no iron smell. It's not" (y/n) pulled his arm back to his side.

Wednesday sighed. "I ran out of the real stuff and the school refuses to supply me with it"

"I can't tell if she's joking or not" (y/n) whispered as Enid agreed.

"I think that's how she likes it" Enid spoke as she watched Wednesday for any signs that she could be joking. There of course were none.


"This place is as bad as the public school system" (y/n) hissed as he walked down the halls beside Wednesday.

"For you perhaps, but anyone could have told you that being a cat in a school filled with dogs is a bad idea" Wednesday replied as she rolled her eyes at the boys complaining.

"Yeah but Enid was really insistent that I'd love it here" (y/n) pouted as he glanced around the hall.

"My first week here I narrowly avoided death twice, learned that I may potentially destroy the school, and was mysteriously saved by a homicidal monster that turned out to be against me. The only thing you should be complaining about is a lack of excitement"

"Point taken" (y/n) huffed before nodding. "So how was your first day of classes?"

"My day was satisfactory. Surprisingly that spider wasn't the only thing I killed" (y/n) quickly returned his attention to Wednesday and gave her a questioning look. She didn't explain her statement.

"That's not concerning at all" (y/n) muttered as he shook his head. "Do you mind if I come and hang with you and Enid?"

"Yes" Wednesday was quick to reply as she crossed her arms.

"Good. Then I'll come with" Wednesday glared at him before speeding up and away from him. This however did not stop the boy. It only took a moment for the boy to catch up once again with Wednesday.

Soon enough the two had made it to the dorm room. (Y/n) of course had talked the whole way, quickly moving on from his troubles during classes, and of course Wednesday had just rolled her eyes and ignored him as he did so.

"Aw! Look at you two getting along" Enid spoke from where she was laying on her stomach on her bed as she watched the two walk in. (Y/n) closed the door behind him and Wednesday quickly walked over to her desk before sitting down.

"Don't you dare insinuate such things" Wednesday spoke as she readied her typewriter and placed a piece of paper in its spot.

"Don't pay attention to her. She loves me" (y/n) whispered to Enid causing her to giggle as he sat down on the edge of her bed and looked at her.

"So how was your first day?!" Enid asked excitedly as she kicked her feet in the air.

"As I predicted he hated it" Wednesday spoke without looking at them.

Enid's face instantly fell. "You did?"

"I'm sure it'll get better" (y/n) spoke unconvincingly. "But I didn't come here for the classes anyways, I came to hang out with you"

Enid couldn't help the smile that appeared on her face as she heard that. "Well then we should hang out, come lay beside me" she patted the spot on the bed beside her which he quickly moved to. Wednesday glanced in their direction for a moment before looking back to her typewriter and beginning to type.

Word count: 1111

(I enjoyed writing the relationships between these characters so much that I forgot there should probably be a story besides that at some point. So next two chapters at the least are just more of the same. Maybe in 3 I'll start something up but no decision has been made yet. Open to any suggestions)

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