M Is For Murder

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(Consider this extra long chapter my Chanukah gift to you all. Crappy gift right? Well I still expect something in exchange. Mwuhahahha!)

"This is the second killing this week" (y/n)'s cat like ears caught the news before he saw it. The body was apparently similar to one that had been found in town right before his arrival in the school, similar as in both students had been completely drained of their blood.

"Oh god" (y/n) quickly covered his mouth as he couldn't look away from the body the crowd was gathered around.

"I admire the workmanship" the voice of Wednesday Addams spoke from besides the boy. "The subject was completely drained of blood and if it's anything like the last body there will be no evidence as to who the killer could be"

(Y/n) just nodded, unsure or unable to respond to the girl. He wasn't sure how she was so calm in a moment like this when all he could do was barely stop himself from throwing up.

"What's the crowd about?" Enid's voice came after another moment at the back of the crowd.

Wednesday looked at (y/n). "If she sees this she will likely pass out" (y/n) nodded before quickly turning and walking towards Enid.

"Come on" (y/n) spoke quickly. He grabbed Enid's arm as he kept trying to hold back the urge to throw up.

"What's happening?" Enid asked again as she followed after the boy. "What was over there?"

"Dead body" (y/n) replied simply as Enid turned pale behind him, looking back as they kept walking.


Of course classes were cancelled that day. To Wednesday's slight disappointment the body had been quickly moved by the staff mere moments after (y/n) had led Enid away.

"You're taking this to excitedly" (y/n) spoke quietly as he watched Wednesday take off her school jacket and replace it with her large black hoodie.

"You've read one of my books. You must have realized things like murder excite me" Wednesday usually would have disliked that her friend was questioning her interests but this time she attributed it to the fear most creatures seemed to exhibit upon their first brush with death.

"I guess so" (y/n) nodded as he sat down beside Enid on her bed. "It just... never felt so real" Enid glanced over at the boy worriedly before scooting over and pulling him into a hug. He was quick to embrace it and lean into the girl. "I never expected to see someone who was killed"

"That seems to happen when you've stuck around Wednesday" Enid spoke as she ran her hand through the boys hair.

Wednesday felt a conflicting sense of flattery and concern at that statement. She sighed before walking to Enid's colorful side of the room and looking down at (y/n) who now had his eyes closed. "It won't do you any good to continue thinking about this. Come on"

(Y/n) opened his eyes and gave her a confused look. "What?"

"I'm taking you up on your earlier offer" the boy still looked confused. "Chinese food. Dinner just like Mao used to make. Remember? Although I suppose it's lunch now"

Normally the boy would have been excited about the idea of going out with Wednesday but now? "I don't know. I-" Wednesday roughly grabbed the boy by the collar before yanking him to his feet, which in turn caused Enid to pull her arms away.

"You do nobody any good by staying in my dorm and sulking. While usually I would appreciate the feeling of such an atmosphere of dread it does not suit you" Wednesday let go of the boy as he sighed. "You have twenty minutes to prepare. After that I expect to see you by the front gates" Wednesday didn't wait for a response, she grabbed the boy before shoving him towards the door and out of it.

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