Muffin Of Death

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(I'm praying for any of you that may have been affected by the earthquake in Turkey. Hope everyone is okay)

(Y/n) had been down ever since he had awoken to find Enid gone. Nothing Wednesday or Courtney did seemed to cheer the boy up. They were determined to change that.

"(Y/n)?" The boy didn't look up from his book as Courtney opened the door to his room. "Turn around buddy" the boy sighed and turned only to see Courtney holding up a struggling Wednesday.

"You do realize she will kill you right?" (Y/n) asked as Courtney tightened her arms around Wednesday's waist and arms. That was when he realized what Courtney was trying to show him. "How did you get her back into that pink sweater?"

"Enid left it here just in case Wednesday wanted to "get freaky," her words not mine. Anyways it took about half an hour of fighting with Wednesday but I got it on her"

"You are stronger than Wednesday?" (Y/n) asked not really believing it.

"She's five foot one" Courtney spoke not sounding very impressed.

"Had I used lethal force I would not be in this situation" Wednesday spoke as she continued struggling. "However you made me promise not to kill her"

"Oh, yeah" (y/n) laughed a bit causing Wednesday to stop struggling as she looked over at him. "Bring her here"

Courtney brought the girl to (y/n) and dropped her in his lap. "Finally" Wednesday muttered as she glared at the blonde causing her to back up a bit. (Y/n) wrapped his arms around Wednesday and forced her into a hug. "Let go of me so I can go change"

"Not a chance Muffin"

Wednesday grimaced. She didn't like that nickname but knew it had stuck. "Muffin of death"

"-ly cuteness" (y/n) was quick to add on to her words.

"Just death" she spoke as she pulled away from the hug and stared at the boy.

"By adorableness"

"I'd prefer it if I didn't have to use my new guillotine on you" Wednesday crossed her arms while Courtney recorded this all to send to Enid.

"You wouldn't French Revolution me" (y/n) shook his head as he poked the girls stomach through the pink sweater.

"Call me Muffin again and we will certainly see" Wednesday grabbed a pen from the desk they were sitting in front of and threw it at Courtney's phone, causing her to yelp and it to fall to the ground. "You haven't given me any reason not to"

"Because you love me?" (Y/n) asked as he leaned forward and rested his head on Wednesday's shoulder.

Wednesday was silent for a moment. "...I would appreciate it if you stopped talking" (y/n) did as she asked. "And remember I have said no such thing"

"Yeah but I know it anyways" (y/n) added causing Wednesday to roll her eyes.

"You two are so cute" Courtney spoke as she snapped a picture causing Wednesday to once again throw something at her.


"How are you doing?" (Y/n) asked as he put the phone on speaker and threw it onto Enid's bed where he had been sitting.

"It's-" the voice was cut off by the sound of many people yelling. "WOULD YOU SHUT UP?! I'M ON THE F'ING PHONE!" (Y/n) quickly covered his ears in the middle of the screaming to muffle the noise. He removed them when it was finished. It was quieter now although not quiet. "It's not great... I miss you and Wednesday. Is she there?"

(Y/n) looked around the room but the goth wasn't there. "Nope. Sorry Enid"

"Ah it's fine" she replied with her usual happy tone. "Anything happen since I left?"

"Yes!" (Y/n) quickly replied sounding excited. "Courtney forced Wednesday into the pink sweater. You should have been there, it was hilarious to watch Courtney holding Wednesday while she struggled... that sounded bad"

"Sounds hot" Enid replied causing both of them to burst into fits of giggles. "I'm glad they're there for you... even if it is at Wednesday's expense. Oh! Courtney sent me a video of some of the aftermath. Glad to see you're good enough to keep annoying Wednesday"

"It's the one thing that keeps me going" (y/n) replied as he glanced at the phone. "Why don't we switch over to a video call?"

Enid was silent for a moment. "Because I'm holding the phone up to my ear. I don't want anyone overhearing us and I left my headphones over in the dorm"

"Mine!" (Y/n) was quick to declare as he got off the bed and started looking around for his new headphones.

"I'm taking them back once I get back" (y/n) opened the girls night table but the only thing inside was a light grey scarf Enid must have forgotten to pack. He lifted it up. "(Y/n)? You there?"

"Huh? Oh yeah I'm here" (y/n) wrapped the scarf around his neck and walked over to he mirror to get a look at himself. "I found one of your scarves. It's mine now. It looks good on me"

"Pink or grey?" Enid quickly asked.

"Grey" (y/n) replied as he looked away from the mirror and back to the phone on the bed.

"Alrighty. You can have it for now. Just be careful with it"

"Of course. I'm a very careful guy" those words didn't sound right but Enid decided not to mention that. "But yeah. That's all that's happened since you went back in time"

"I'm not- you do know how time zones work right?"

"Yeah yeah. It's more fun though to think of it as time travel" (y/n) walked back to the bed and sat down besides his phone.

"I guess so" Enid sounded like she was probably shaking her head in disbelief. "Classes?"

"All cancelled again" (y/n) frowned as he spoke. "A kid disappeared for a few hours and everyone freaked. Turns out he had just snuck into town without asking permission first. He's been suspended. If I had to guess though the semester will be canceled soon, the school board had a meeting this afternoon"

"Oh" Enid sounded upset but not surprised. "I mean that's probably for the best. Less death and all..."

"Yeah" (y/n) sighed and shook his head. "Wednesday still says I can't come with her"

"You'll be fine with Courtney if the school closes" Enid spoke quickly. "We've been over this. Long distance can work"

"Can and will are two different things" (y/n) huffed. "I need someone to cuddle"

"You'll have Courtney's dog and the Wednesday body pillow" Enid replied.

"Oh" (y/n) nodded as he remembered the pillow. "Okay maybe long distance can work... hopefully we won't need to see"

Word count: 1143

(Favorite scene? Anything to say?)

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