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Wednesday sat on her bed in silence staring at the sleeping Enid Sinclair. It had been a week since their betrayal of her and although she wished she wasn't she was close to forgiving them. Granted she enjoyed hurting the two but she missed the way things used to be.

Wednesday stood up and walked over to Enid. She grabbed one of the girls stuffed animals before holding it over her face. Once Enid started struggling Wednesday pulled it away and saw that Enid was finally awake. "Wednesday! What the hell?!" Enid growled as her claws subconsciously extended.

Wednesday stared at Enid for a minute before finally speaking. "Apologize and promise it'll never happen again and all will be forgiven. If you break the promise nothing will save you from weeks of torture infinitely more intense and painful than what I have put you through the last week"

Enid quickly nodded. "I promise you we never meant it to happen and it never will again" that was enough for Wednesday, she nodded in acknowledgment and Enid quickly shot out of bed and pulled Wednesday into a hug.

Wednesday sighed but didn't pull back as she felt the blondes tears fall on her back. "I never thought you'd forgive me" Enid whispered as she sniffled. "We both know how you hold grudges"

"Admittedly you are a bit more important to my life than I like to admit" Wednesday replied as Enid pulled away from the hug and wiped her tears away.

"Are you going to forgive (y/n)?" Enid asked as she finally stopped crying.

"I will" Wednesday replied with a nod. "Although I fear he may not be as willing" Wednesday replied as she immediately thought back to when she used her mace on the boy.

"Of course he will!" Enid replied as she got out of bed. "Come on! Let's get dressed and go find him"


(Y/n) groaned as he tried to get out of bed. Someone was knocking on the door. He slowly got up and held onto the wall as he made his way to said door. He opened the door and simultaneously became excited and pissed as he saw who was on the other side. "What?" He growled through his teeth.

"Woah" Enid spoke as she saw the boys bare stomach. "That's one hell of a bruise" the aforementioned bruise a good portion of the boys stomach.

"Yeah. Can't even put a shirt on without hurting" (y/n) glared at Wednesday who looked a bit smug. "Thanks for this by the way. What do you want?"

Enid gave Wednesday a prompting look and the girl spoke. "It has been a week since your betrayal and I am prepared to forgive you for it" Wednesday spoke as she stared into the boys eyes.

"Fine but I'm not forgiving you" (y/n) tried crossing his arms but flinched when the pain flared up. Wednesday didn't look shocked. "Over the past week you've blown up my favorite teddy bear and burnt me doing so, shot me with a paintball gun,-"

"I couldn't get ahold of a real one on short notice" Wednesday interrupted only to get a glare from the boy and Enid.

"- sent Thing to spy on me in my misery, yeah I know about that, beaten me with your mace, and made me feel so lonely I felt like I was going to die. And that's not even everything!" before the boy could continue Wednesday spoke.

"I am of course aware of all this. And I will admit that I... may have gone to a few extremes... by normal standards" Wednesday seemed to have difficulty admitting that. "Which is why I am willing to offer you a deal"

"Oh?" (Y/n) asked as he glanced at Enid but she just shrugged.

"I would be willing, this one time, to allow for you to punish me in any way that you see fit. Whether it be punching me in the face, blowing up something of mine, or something creative is up to you" Wednesday immediately regretted saying this as soon as she saw the smirk growing on the boys face.

"Alright" (y/n) nodded. "I happily accept. You're not going to enjoy this"

"I wouldn't expect to" Wednesday nodded. "State your terms"

Wednesday hadn't expected what the boy said, after hearing it she stared at him wide eyed. "You want what?"

"I get to pinch your cheeks whenever and whenever I like" (y/n) replied knowing full well that he was risking getting punched by Wednesday right now. Enid was standing ready to block her if need be.


"You said I get to choose your punishment" (y/n) spoke causing Wednesday to glare at him. "You didn't think I'd choose something like hurting you did you? You'd probably like that"

"You know me to well" Wednesday spoke through clenched teeth. She should've expected this.

"So do you accept my terms?" (Y/n) asked as he stared into the girls anger filled eyes.

"You can't be-"

"Oh! I also want to punch you once. You hurt me I want to hurt you" (y/n) clenched his fist as he stared at Wednesday. "And that way we both enjoy ourselves for a moment"

Wednesday huffed but nodded. "You can't be constantly abusing your right"

"I won't" (y/n) assured her. "But that doesn't mean it won't be a frequent thing"

Wednesday glared once more at the boy. "I observed over the past week how you've been letting out your true self. I suppose this just proves that. It's a deal"

"Good" (y/n) nodded and before Wednesday even realized it she was punched in the face. She fell back onto the ground as Enid covered her mouth wide eyed.

Wednesday slowly sat up and felt the back of her head. There was a bit of blood but not much. She reached her hand back to her cheek where the punch had landed. "Was that your full strength?"

"Nope" (y/n) replied simply as he flinched from the pain of the quick movement.

"Good. You're strong" she lowered her hand before standing up once again. "I suspected as much but it's nice to get confirmation. I'll put you to good use one day" Wednesday began walking away but (y/n) quickly grabbed her arm. She turned and raised an eyebrow.

"You made me be lonely the past week. The three of us are hanging out now" He pulled her into the room and Enid was quick to follow.

Wednesday had seen glimpses of this part of the boy's personality before but never this clearly. She liked it.

Word count: 1111

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