Courtney's Home

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(Y/n) yawned as he woke up he turned to look at Wednesday and was met with the closed eyes of the Wednesday body pillow Enid had given him. "Oh. Right" he sighed as he remembered that he wouldn't be seeing the real her for a while.

He glanced around the half unfinished basement he had been allowed to use as his room as he got out of bed. He walked over to the mirror and looked over himself. "(Y/n)! Breakfast!"

"I'll be there in a moment!" (Y/n) called back, a moment later he heard footsteps walking away from the door. He walked over to his bag before getting dressed. He walked up the stairs as he wrapped the scarf that had previously been Enid's around his neck.

The boy opened the basement door and turned to the kitchen to see Courtney holding out a plate to him. "Where is everyone?" (Y/n) took the plate and walked over to the kitchen island and placed it down on it.

"My mom took Mike to school, my stepdad is in the garage fixing a leak my car is having, and Buddy is staring up at you from the floor" (y/n) quickly looked down to see the dog was indeed staring up at him, he quickly jumped up onto the island and hissed at the bulldog. "Seriously?"

"You know how I am with dogs!" The dog continued to stare as (y/n) slowly picked up his fork and knife and began cutting his pancakes.

"No I- do you mean werewolves? Those are half people, they don't count as dogs. And you're okay with Enid" she watched as (y/n) bit into a piece of one pancake.

"There are exceptions" (y/n) huffed as he glared at Buddy. "Go away. You're not getting my food" Buddy walked to Courtney but she didn't give her any of her food either as she walked to the island and placed her food next to (y/n)'s before sitting on a stool. "Do you have to sit on here?"

"Until the dog leaves... or your parents kick me off" (y/n) replied as he continued eating.

The two were silent as they continued eating until (y/n) thought about everything Courtney had just said. "Can I drive your car?"

"Not a chance" Courtney quickly replied as she shook her head.

"Oh come on! I'm a good driver! I promise" (y/n) smiled innocently at the girl as she placed her fork down and crossed her arms. "I am!"

"And how do I know that? Would you let me drive your car?"

"No" (y/n) replied with a frown. "But that's only because I would always find little half empty bottles of my moms booze inside and if for some reason you get pulled over with that in the car you could be arrested"

Courtney was silent for a moment. "I'm not sure how I should be responding to that"

"You could pity me. I like being pitied" (y/n) smiled at the girl who just rolled her eyes. "People do stuff for you when they pity you. Like, say perhaps, letting me drive your car?"

Courtney uncrossed her arms and sighed. "I guess if you're a good driver then I can let you"

"I've never so much as been pulled over" (y/n) smiled as he nodded quickly.

Courtney shrugged. "Alright. That's better than me. But you need to get off the island"

(Y/n) glanced around to confirm the dog was gone before getting off and sitting down on the stool beside Courtney. "When-"

"When Pat has it finished. Now finish your breakfast"

"Yes ma'am" (y/n) quickly nodded as he grabbed his fork again and quickly finished the rest of his pancakes.

Just as the boy was finishing he quickly felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. "Muffin?" He excitedly asked nobody in particular as he pulled his phone out. His smile faltered although only for a second as he saw it was Enid and not Wednesday who was calling him. "Enid is good too" he quickly answered the video call and leaned the phone up against a cereal box so the camera was aimed to show (y/n) and Courtney.

"Hey guys!" Enid waved from the other side of the screen. "Oh wow that scarf looks better on you than me" Enid huffed as she noticed the scarf the boy was wearing.

"Are you outside?" Courtney asked as she looked at Enid's surroundings.

"That's our park! I miss our park. The one here doesn't have swings" (y/n) frowned at the thought of this towns disappointment of a park.

"It's the only place where it's quiet and peaceful enough for me to FaceTime you from" Enid shook her head. "How are you two holding up?"

"(Y/n) hissed at our dog" Courtney crossed her arms again.

"Oh. Yeah he's a scaredy cat" they both looked at the boy waiting for him to deny it but he just shrugged in agreement. "Everything else good?"

"So far" (y/n) replied with a nod.

"Then what's with the frown?" (Y/n) quickly felt his face and realized he was indeed frowning, he quickly forced a smile back onto his face.

"He's upset Wednesday hasn't called yet" Courtney piped up earning a glare from (y/n) which she ignored.

"Oh. She's not the greatest at calling people. You should just call her" Enid spoke as she waved it off.

"Would be nice of her to show some effort" (y/n) huffed.

"You just saw her last night" Courtney replied.

"And I want to talk to her constantly" (y/n) huffed. "She's not picking up when I call her"

"She tends to leave her phone in her room when she's home" Enid replied quickly. "When she does end up calling just ask her to start keeping it with her, I'm sure she'll do her best to accommodate you"

(Y/n) sighed but nodded. His mood quickly changed when Enid asked her next question. "How's living with Courtney?"

"I have my own room!" (Y/n) replied quickly. Sure his dorm was his own room but this was in a house so it was a bigger deal. "I mean it's the basement but it's my own room! I don't have to sleep with five other kids!"

"Five?" Courtney asked causing the other two to nod. "Damn"

"Court!" The two physically in the house turned the in the direction of the front door, they couldn't see it but they didn't need to in order to hear. "Car's fixed!"

"Yes! Driving time!" (Y/n) quickly ran off.

Enid and Courtney laughed as Courtney grabbed the boys phone. "That boy loves driving. One of the few things that made him happy when he was back here"

"Wonder how long till he realizes he doesn't have the keys" Courtney spoke as she walked. Suddenly she heard the sound of her car starting up. "Or maybe he does!" She quickly ran past her stepfather and out the door as Enid laughed.

Word count: 1200

(No Wednesday this chapter. How annoying would it be if I just made Courtney the new love interest?)

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