Wednesday Returns (Is This Clickbait? Read And Find Out)

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It had been a week since (y/n) had solved the murder issue and things were about to go back to normal. The school would be opening again in an hour and starting up again next week so most students were currently making their way back or at least preparing to do so.

Now (y/n) had yet to tell Wednesday about what he had done and he had managed to stop Thing from doing so. The boy decided that it was more the sort of thing that should be discussed in person rather than over the phone or by spy.

"You ready to go?" (Y/n) was quickly pulled from his thoughts by Courtney's gentle voice as she stuck her head through the door and looked down the stairs at him.

"Yeah" (y/n) replied quickly trying to hide any sign that he wasn't feeling as he usually did. He was still feeling guilty about not feeling guilty about killing the murderer. "Let's go" he quickly grabbed his bags.

Courtney frowned as she watched the boy. She saw right through him of course.

Once they were outside and their bags were packed into the trunk and back seats of the car Courtney watched as the boy got in on the passengers side. He still seemed off and she was going to fix that.

Courtney detached the house keys from her car keys and got in the car. She put the car keys in the ignition as the two of them put their seatbelts on. Courtney glanced at the boy who had his eyes closed one more time before holding up the house keys in front of his face and quickly jangling them.

(Y/n)'s eyes quickly opened and he looked at the jangling keys. "I'm not a kitten Courtney" the boy rolled his eyes before quickly grabbing for the keys causing Courtney to lift them out of his reach.

"You sure about that?" She jangled the keys and if he hadn't had the seatbelt on the boy would have pounced on them. "Well you can't have them. But I did sneak this out of your bag for you to play with" she quickly opened the glove compartment and the boy looked inside.

"The voodoo doll?" (Y/n) asked as he very gently picked up the doll.

"Yep. Figured you could mess with Wednesday while I drive" the girl spoke as she pulled the car out of the driveway. "I would think she would be on the train now" she figured if this idea didn't cheer the boy up nothing would.

(Y/n) gently kissed the doll on the forehead before hugging it just as gently. "Maybe later"

Courtney glanced at the boy and wondered how Wednesday was feeling, being restrained by the hug and not knowing exactly what was going on before she went back to paying attention to the road.


The two sat in silence as they got closer and closer to the school. "You're not even going to feel up the doll?"

"Would you?" (Y/n) quickly looked over at Courtney who just shrugged in response. "You're weird"

"I'm semi-normal in this hypothetical situation" Courtney replied as she shook her head. "Do it"

"No" (y/n) shook his head as he stopped hugging the doll and set it down on his lap so he didn't have to hold it.

"Do it" Courtney replied with a more evil sounding voice and a giggle. "Peer pressure!"

"You think you're my peer?" (Y/n) asked with a scoff as he turned away to hide his smirk.

"Do you want me to push you out of the car?" Courtney asked bluntly.

"Fine. You can be my peer... for now" he felt the girl hit him in the shoulder before he looked back ahead of them at the road.

"...Peer pressure" Courtney whispered the words again causing (y/n) to look at her.

"Not going to work" the boy replied as he shook his head.

"You know you want to~" Courtney spoke in a sing songy voice. (Y/n) glanced down at the doll on his lap. "Do. It"

(Y/n) glanced at Courtney one more time. "What I want is not-"

"That is totally what this is about" Courtney cut the boy off. "You're just scared"

"Of course I am. I would be murdered for what you're suggesting" the boy's tone seemed to darken at the word murder but he quickly went back to normal.

"Yeah but wouldn't it be worth it?"

(Y/n) was silent for a moment before nodding. "Probably. What the hell is this conversation?"

"I'm trying to distract you and up until you said murder it was working" (y/n) considered that for a moment before realizing she was right. "Now play with your doll, she gave it to you she knew the risks"

"That is a good point..." (y/n) considered that for a moment. "But no"

"Boring!" Courtney spoke loudly as they pulled up to the gate. "We're here!"


Courtney had let the boy out of the car with his bags before heading to park the car. The boy was now in his room, taking his time unpacking.

"If in the future you decide to mess with the doll I would appreciate you made sure I was not in public beforehand" (y/n) quickly turned around and smiled widely as he saw Wednesday. He quickly ran over to her and hugged her before lifting her up so he could kiss her.

"I missed you" he quickly spoke before kissing her quickly again multiple times.

"I should cut your lips off" Wednesday muttered but that just prompted the boy to kiss her again. "You just love tormenting me"

"I do" (y/n) smirked before kissing her on the nose. "And you just love being tormented by me"

Wednesday was silent for a long moment before nodding. "I do"

"Good" the boy finally lowered Wednesday and placed her back down on her feet before releasing her from the hug. "What are you doing here already? I thought there'd be a few more hours"

"We haven't spoken as much in the last week as we had been before" Wednesday spoke with a small frown on her face. "And Thing has been avoiding telling me all the details of his observations. Naturally I'm curious"

(Y/n)'s smile faltered and he shook his head. "Everything's fine Muffin"

"Oh I'm sure" Wednesday replied with a nod. "Because I've already figured out what you're hiding"

"Oh?" (Y/n) asked a bit to quietly.

"It was simple really. The murderer shows up dead in a students house and the school refuses to comment further? You killed him didn't you?"


"He tried to hurt you- no. He tried to hurt Courtney and you snapped" the girls face slowly turned to a smile. "You ripped the man limb from limb-"

"Wednesday let's not-"

"It's nothing to be concerned about, I understand, I'm fine with murder remember? You don't need to hide it-"

"Wednesday!" The girl's now wide smile vanished and she went back to her usual expression. "This is not about you and what you think of me. It's what I think of me. I don't like how I reacted to what I did, now shut up!"

Wednesday was silent for a moment before nodding. "You should scream like that more. The anger in your eyes is attractive"

(Y/n) sighed before shaking his head. "The old you never would have commented on something like that. Maybe I am starting to rub off on you"

"Perhaps you are" Wednesday replied as she walked closer to the boy and took his hand in her own. "Now would you like to talk about this?"

"Are you going to react the way you just did? Like a turned on serial killer?"

Wednesday was silent. "I'll suppress it for now if you'd like"

(Y/n) sighed and nodded before sitting down on the bed with Wednesday quickly following his example.

Word count: 1352

(Favorite part of the chapter? I'm actually really curious about your answers to this)

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