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• M O L L Y •
//T R I G G E R   W A R N I N G:
R E L I G I O U S   B E L I E F S\\


The music blasted through the speakers as I swayed my body to the music. The smell of liquor and tequila filled my nostrils. Celebrating my best friends big
T W O   O N E.

Having drank over six shots of whatever I've been given, the dizziness has completely taken over. I need to get out of here and go home. I'm searching around the living room for my friends. I walk toward the kitchen and spot Liz by the counter.

"Hey, I'm going to head out. I have work in the morning. I'll call you later," I smile at her and give her a hug before telling her happy birthday. I pull back from the hug and make my way to the front door of her house. I spot Liz's brother by the chairs in their front yard.

"Need a ride?" he asks me, to which I nod.

He opens the door for me to hop in, and I quickly thank him before pulling the seatbelt over my chest and buckling it. He walks around the front of the car after shutting my door. He opens the door to the driver side and hood in.

"Thank you, again." I smile at him before he pulls out of the driveway.

"Of course," he says.

Donate has always been nice to me. Anytime Liz and I fight, he never looks at me differently or judges me, which I really appreciate. He's two years older than Liz and I, but he seems like my little brother. His shyness makes him seem young.

The ride to my house is quiet and fast. He pulls up to my house, stopping by a stop sign so I can run across the street to get inside without disturbing my parents with headlights shining in their bedroom window. I thank him again and get out before running across the street. I pull my keys out of my purse and unlock the door.

The lights are off and it's completely quiet. I shut the door behind me quietly and make my way down the hallway to my bedroom. As I walk by my brothers room, I notice my mother sitting on his bed. I walk into the room and look at her. She stares at me with disgust.

"You need to leave tomorrow morning," she says.

I shake my head slowly, confused. "What?"

"Molly, you hangout with the wrong girls. Your best friend had an affair with your boyfriend, for fuck sake!" she raised her voice towards the end. "Hanging out with the wrong crowd has changed you. You dropped out of College and started to party every chance you got!"

"I'm coping, too!" I never raise my voice at my mother but I can't help it right now. "I'm coping, too, mom."

"Non, Molly. Tu jettes ta vie à l'écart!"

My mom never spoke French to us unless she was mad or if something was seriously wrong. But she still didn't get to tell me how to cope.

"Mom," I let out a deep breath I had been holding in. "Respectfully, I will not to be treated like this. I have done nothing but work my ass for you so you could pay the bills after June died. I took care of the food, the bills, as well as you and dad. I didn't have time for myself. I didn't get to make sure I ate breakfast before working my twelve hour shift. I didn't make dinner because I was so tired from working. On my days off, I helped out at that dog shelter down the road, just for some extra cash." I breath heavily. "I had no time to worry about myself or to save up money. I did it for you, because you couldn't."

"How dare you-"

"No," I take a step closer to her. My body is filled with rage but I keep my voice low. "I had to pick up my own brothers body to run to get help, and then watched him go. I watched him cry as he said goodbye to me, and yet, I still invalidated my feelings to validate yours. Don't you dare tell me how to cope."

"Coping by doing what? Getting drunk and doing drugs? Have you done before drugs, Molly?" my mom stands up to stand in front of me.


"Yeah, and I'm sure you're going to end up slipping and sleep with someone before marriage! You're dressed like that, it seems like you're asking for it." She huffs.

I stand chest to chest with her, and whisper. "I already did," I look into her eyes before walking out of the room before heading to my own bedroom.


I barley slept last night. The swaying I felt in my body when I closed my eyes had me thinking I was on a roller coaster. I thought maybe the conversation with my mom would have sobered me up a bit, but I was mistaken when I decided to lay down and close my eyes.

I woke up early this morning to leave before my parents woke up. I don't even want to deal with my dad after last night. It would go so much worse.

I threw on a pair of black yoga pants and a white zip-up jacket with my white converse. I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair after packing a bag. I didn't bring a lot of clothes, just things that I absolutely need.

I'm currently sitting at a bus stop to head to the airport. I texted Liz this morning and asked if I could sleep over for a few nights until I could get a hotel room that I could find that's around my price range and she texted me back with, "'I'm going to L.A to see R O L L I N G   R E D! Sorry.'"

I had no idea where I wanted to go, but I knew that L.A could be good for me. I wanted to start to work with my fashion. I did drop out of college after my brother passed away but I still know what I'm doing. And I'm actually good at designing.

After a long bus ride to the airport, I booked a one way flight to L.A without thinking about it. I've been boarded on my plane for awhile now.

After taking off, I closed my eyes just to wake up to girls screaming about something.

"He's here! He's in L.A!

I sit up in my seat and grab my duffel from underneath my seat. I stand up and follow the line of people getting off the plane.

"I heard he slept with a fan once," one girl said.

"I think he'll stay at the hotel by the airport! The one with the hot tub that turned our hair green," another girl said.

"I hope we run into him! I heard he's a sweetheart," one of the mothers to one of the teenage girls said.

"I heard he got caught doing coke at this girls party-"

"Regan, is your sister lying? I won't tolerate you seeing someone who can't set a good example for you!" she whisper shouts.

L.A and it's heartthrob drama. I might've chosen the wrong destination.

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