❦15 • h e ' s l i k e a d r u g

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• M O L L Y •


"Fuck, red, you're killing me," he says against my lips as I put more pressure against his hard length, making arousal soak my underwear.

"...After he left, I decided, why not! Traveling will be fun and good for me, you know? It would help with my portfolio, get me better gigs. And I'm talking like..." she shrugs, squinting her eyes in her train of thought. "Weddings, honeymoons, and proposals." She smiles while nodding her head, looking into nothing as she stares at the ceiling, her head tilted to the side. "And now I'm here! And-" she looks down at me, "what time is it?"

Looking away from Harry on stage, I look over at Liz. "Huh?"

She has a pout on her lips, her shoulders drop.

"Were you even listening, Molly?" she asks snappily.

No, I was too busy staring at Harry, who by the way, I just made out with and almost went down on if his manager didn't knock on the door, but hey! Who cares! I don't care about the way he tilts his head when he's singing, how his brows scrunch up when he's focused, causing a deep line in between his eyebrows. Or how the veins in his hands and arms make me want to jump on his face and ride him like a fucking obsessive fan.

"Yes!" I smile at her before turning back around to face Harry.

"Okay..." she stares at me, watching me watch the boys. I flick my eyes between them all so she doesn't think I'm paying attention to only Harry. "So what time is it then?"

I hold my phone up, tapping the screen.

"10:58 p.m., why?" I look at her as I bounce my leg in place, liking the beat to this song.

We're backstage, creeping on the boys from the curtain that covers this part of the room. Usually I am right in front of the stage or I'm back here doing work, grabbing things the boys need and taking it to them, or simply helping out with small things that the crew team needs help on.

"I'm supposed to meet Harry in his dressing room at eleven, do you mind if I go? I want to be there before he gets there. I want to surprise him!" she squeals with a light bounce. "I bought this new lingerie set! I'm going to put on this robe he always brings in his dressing room," she laughs and squeezes my shoulder softly. "I promise to find you before the bus leaves!" she hugs me before quickly, rushing down the hallway to his dressing room.

A part of me feels awkward, I'm not entirely lying to Liz, but I haven't been honest and told her that Harry and I slept together as well as basically ate each others faces about an hour ago.

Although Harry is an adult and can make his own choices, he isn't held down or in any kind of romantic relationship; it still doesn't feel great knowing that he's going to have sex with her after what we just did. But he doesn't owe me anything, and I don't owe him anything.

After the set was done, all of boys gathered in their dressing rooms before heading to the bus. Harry didn't stay back like he usually did whenever he was doing...whatever he does after a show. I'm in the bus, sitting in the back because knowing Liz will be back here but not myself, just doesn't sit right with me.

"Glad to see my girl is back," Niall says as he takes a seat next to me. I smile at him and smile at Louis and Zayn right after.

"I'm feeling like tonight is going to be fun," I shrug.

"Damn right it is, red, we're about to be in the richest building in this shitty state." Niall gives me a kind smile, titling his head to lean back against the seat. His head almost touches the window.

"Don't call her that."

My eyes meet Harrys, who sure enough, is hand in hand with Liz. My heart hammers against my chest for some dumb reason. Why didn't he want Niall calling me the nickname he gave me? And why'd he do it in front of Liz? Not that she is his girlfriend but, still awkward.

Niall raises his hands in front of him in defense with a sly smirk on his shiny lips. "Relax, my friend. Molly is ours just as much as she is yours." Niall says with confidence.

Harrys frown turns into a smirk as he watches me, sitting down next to Zayn, Louis on the other side of him. Liz sits down next to Harry, wrapping her hand around Harry's even tighter. My stomach flows with butterflies as he stares at me, his eyes traveling from my eyes down to my lips. Slowly, very slowly, making his way back up to my eyes.

I can feel my chest become warm. My cheeks have a small stinging feeling passing through them as I'm sure my cheeks are red. I drop my gaze from Harry's when I notice Liz is staring at me with a gun pointing at my head through her dark eyes.

Is she serious? She fucks my boyfriend and then gets mad when I look at someone who she's barley fucking? Two can play this game.

"I'd like to call you mine, red." Louis drags out the last word, earning a scowl form Harry.

"I'm everybody's," I say before looking at Niall next to me. "But I'm mostly yours." I joke, Niall giving my cheek a gentle pinch before kissing my forehead softly.

"I'm glad you're feeling better," he whispers into my ear, my head turned to the side as he places his arm behind my shoulder.

Harry clears his throat, letting go of Liz's hand and stands up to walk over towards us. He sits down next to me, and looks to all of the boys and to Liz. He leans into my ear, whispering quietly.

"We're going to have to make this sound real in front of Liz," he says. My eyebrows scrunch up in confusion.

"What are you talking about?" I ask quietly and keep my eyes on the TV behind Harry's head. He sighs, his breath fanning my ear. Goosebumps form on my neck. He smirks, his lips brushing my ear.

"We're a couple, remember?"

"You just," I laugh under my breath. "You can't fuck someone and then walk in holding their hand and then announce to the world that you're with somebody else, Harry." I pull my face back and look at him. His eyes immediately drop to my lips, staring at them hungrily.

"We didn't fuck, red." He shakes his head. "We were holding hands because she was upset that I turned her down, I felt bad." He shrugged one of his shoulders, dropping his arm on the back of the seat, his arm resting around my shoulder just not touching me.

Not knowing what to say, all I do is stare. I watch as his nose scrunches up as he sniffs, his eyes glistening every time he looks down at my lips. His lips quirk up, giving me a lazy smile. Clearing his throat before swallowing, he keeps his eyes on me as he speaks.

"Molly said yes to being my girlfriend, everybody." He smirks devilishly, keeping his eyes on me. I can't help but smile, which earns us a scuff.

"So you leave me for my best friend?" Liz asks. All of the boys turn their face her, not one of them giving her a kind smile. Niall rolls his eyes as Zayn has a frown on his lips and Louis just glares at her.

"You can still gossip and cry together, Liz." Harry rolls his eyes at her and looks back down at me.

"Tonight's after party isn't like any other we've been to, red. You're going to need to stay by my side, do you understand?" My ears heard what he said, but my brain can't understand what he meant by that. It's just a party....what could go wrong?

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