❦27 • l o o k a t m e

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• M O L L Y •
//T R I G G E R   W A R N I N G:
S E X U A L   A C T S\\


Smoke fills the large room downstairs. I'm assuming it's pot, but I know the boys smoke cigarettes and I wouldn't put it past anybody to smoke cigarettes in here.

I have to admit, this house is gorgeous. Whoever picked it out has wonderful taste, that's for sue. I'm pushing past sweaty bodies, everyone either dancing or tipping their cups back to drink the alcohol beverage of their choice.

When I spot Niall leaning against the island in the kitchen, I ask him if he's seen Harry anywhere. He told me no, but someone by him told me he was in the game room playing pool. Walking down the stairs to the game room; my feet must have slipped on the tile flooring of the stairs because I'm now on my ass. Looking down at the floor, head is spinning both ways at the same time while my eyes are looking at one spot. My mind tricks my eyes into thinking I'm on a roller coaster, so my eyes shift down to my legs, but as I try to focus on them, and tell my body to get up off the floor, my legs stay planted in place but my upper half starts to way back and forth.

A body appears in my line of vision, making me look up at them.

"Are you okay, baby?" Harry asks me, sliding his hands under my arms to pull me up.

When I get back on my feet, his eyes trail over my body as he can't seem to focus his vision either.

"How much have you had to drink?" he asks me, helping me walk down the hallway to our room we slept in last night.

When we get inside, he shuts the door behind us and helps me over to the large bed that has a window with a—to die for—view. He sits down and pulls me on top of him, my legs on either side of him.

"Not that much, just a mixed drink and two shots."

His eyes widen. "Not that mu-" he shakes his head. "Baby, you need to rest, then." He gives me a breathless laugh before saying, "I'll stay in here with you. Parties have never been my thing," he shrugs.

"Wait!" I hurriedly get off his lap and walk over to the closet where I hid his present. I grab the black box and the bag, and walk back over to him. He scoots over so I can sit next to him, and he takes the gifts from me. When he reads the words, "Happy Birthday, Lucifer!" on it, he throws his head back and lets out a loud laugh, his dimples showing.

"What is this?" he asks, turning the box around before looking at me.

"I got you a present," I shrug. "It's your birthday."

His face turns serious, that frown now being embedded in between his eyebrows. He gives me a once over slowly, bringing his eyes back down to the box.

"Open it," I say excitedly.

He unwraps the black ribbon that was a bow, and slowly lifts the lid to the box up, keeping his eyes on me. When he sets the lid on his lap, he looks down at it very slowly. His eyes go wide before he closes them, whispering, "Molly...."

My heart stops in nervousness. I can't tell if he upset or not.

"I didn't know what you'd like...so I just thought this would be-"

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