❦72• i t w a s a l l a d r e a m

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• N O   P E R S P E C T I V E •


Molly and Harry were still distant, and as the days came and gone, they started to part ways more and more. Sex was out of the equation, so was sleeping in the same room. Molly finally had enough of staying up until four in the morning every night and listen to her children's father talk on the phone with another person; laughing, joking, yelling, crying. She didn't understand why he was so open and willing to give himself to someone else, someone who wasn't her. He's allowed to have friends, she's confided in some of her own friends here and there, but she has always have a soft spot for Harry. Harry was the only one who was able to get inside and out, without even asking. She never understood why or how—it just was what it was when it came to him.

Days turned into weeks, her decision on not sleeping in the same room wasn't something that she had discussed with him. One night, she acted as though she was asleep so she wouldn't disturb him while he was on the phone with...of course—Julie. Julie didn't stay in their house much, only on the nights that Harry was working late or wouldn't be home. He spent most of his time tracking down people who were after his father; how the worlds most famous rockstar turned into the worlds most dangerous, armed, richest man—she didn't know. Molly didn't know a lot of things. Not until she heard Harry say, "I'm thinking about you, too..."

She was quick to squeeze her eyes and count while skipping a number to calm herself down. She didn't let him know that she heard him say that to Julie, she didn't ever tell him that she knew he stayed up until the wee hours of the night to speak to her. Whenever she stayed inside of their house, she'd stay locked up in the guest bedroom. Barley did Harry speak to Julie in front of Molly, and he never made eye contact with her at the dinner table whenever she'd stay the night to watch over Molly.

She ended up falling asleep in Sunny's room, and ever since that night, her and Harry have barley even glanced at each other. At least, that's what she wanted him to think. Every chance she got, she stole glances at him. She wished desperately that she could read him. So badly did she want to crawl into bed with him, cuddle up and just enjoy his warmth. Three months passed and she was staring to get uncomfortable sleeping in the rocking/reclining chair in Sunny's bedroom. They talked about names quite often. It's all Harry was willing to talk about with her; the kids. She didn't mind as much as she thought she would, though. No, she was just thankful that he was in the picture and actually loved the kids.

Sunny was going to be a little devil, she knew that. She'd have her mouth and her fathers stubborn attitude. Even though she was hurting over hers and Harry's relationship coming to and end, she was happy that she got to go through this with him. Out of anyone in the world, God chose them to do this together. One night, they sat down to talk and decided to name their little boy Arlo. Sunny and Arlo.

Two months passed, leaving them both one month left to come together and figure their relationship out before the kids arrived. She stayed up super late one night, binge watching a TV show. She couldn't sleep. She laid out on the couch for hours, until eventually she got up and started to make a smoothie. She was chopping up some fruits when Harry walked into the kitchen. Shitless, only in his underwear, her eyes widen as if she wasn't suppose to see him that vulnerable. Maybe she wasn't.

"Can't sleep?"

Her heart hammered against her chest rapidly, the sound of his voice calming this crazy storm that she holds inside of her mind every day, and every single night. She kept her smile at bay because she didn't want to seem desperate or too happy. She knew that he easily got annoyed with her throughout the past months that had passed, so she didn't want to cause him to roll his eyes at her or feel anything but love towards her.

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