❦70 • w h a t ' s y o u r s i s m i n e

412 10 3

• M O L L Y •
//T R I G G E R   W A R N I N G:
S E X U A L   A C T S\\

When I woke up, it wasn't to an alarm nor was it to an empty bed. Harry's heavy hand resting on my stomach, and his thumb moved back and forth. He kissed the top of my head softly, and I could tell he was trying not to wake me up. I scooted closer to him and let out a whine.

"What time is it?" I groggily asked.

Harry lowly chuckled into my hair and said, "Five. I think I should shower so I can get ready to head out to take Julie down to the warehouse."

My heart felt that sting of jealously again. She was getting his attention and I wasn't. I didn't want to sound annoying or come off as needy, but I also didn't want to mope around and be sad all day, so, I said, "I should shower, too. I have plans today."

His hold me tightens a bit as he asks, "You do?"

I hum a "Mhm," and sit up.

"What is it that you're doing?" he asked quietly, and shot up from his spot on the bed when I stripped completely naked. My bump wasn't big, it was there and noticeable, but it was barley anything. I could pass it off as a food baby. 

My heart did flips in excitement that he was so needy to find out what I was doing. Mainly because it had nothing to do with him. He stood up and walk over to me, his hands trailing down my chest before finding my waist. He leaned down to kiss me, but I press my finger against his lips and say, "I'm going shopping."

His brows furrowed, that crease between his eyebrows prominent as he asks against my finger, "Shopping..?"

A smile crawls over my lips. "Shopping."

I know what he's thinking: does she even have money? The money he's given me for working for the band has been put away for the kids. I started a savings as soon as we went to my first doctor appointment.

"Red, I don't think you should be going out by yourself. Why don't you let me go with you?"

"Yeah?" I ask, removing my finger from his lips. A smirk crawls over his lips before he licks them slowly.

"Yeah," he whispers, leaning in slowly, hesitant that I'll stop him. When I don't move, he smirks against my lips, and presses his firmly against mine. Our lips tangle together and he doesn't waste a second before sticking his tongue out to lap over my own. When he pulls back, he says, "I miss you."

My heart swells at his words. Even though they're just a couple of letters that are jumbled together to form a word, it means so much to me in this moment. He hasn't said that to me in forever, let alone given me the time of day to even open his mouth to say anything. When I don't respond, he dips his head back down and kisses me again. This time, it's more heated. More sloppy and wet.

I hold back my moan when I feel his hand grip my asscheek, instead, I bring my hand down in between our bodies and feel myself. My finger coats with my arousal. As he pulls away, his eyes dart down to see my finger moving in a circling motion over my clit. He lets out a heavy breath before mumbling, "Jesus Christ."

I smirk, my lips parting as that hot feeling starts to burn in my lower stomach. His eyes don't leave where my hand is, and right when I think he's going to pull away from me and walk off; he grabs my wrist and holds both of my hands behind my back with one of his hands. His hands are so big, I could die happily by him choking me and stopping the airflow through my body. I'd go out happy.

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