❦38 • w r o n g m o v e , r e d

804 15 3

• H A R R Y •


Throughout the night, Molly kept tossing and turning, and to my surprise, she was up and out of bed before I was. I thought maybe she was in the bathroom, but when I slid out from under the sheets, and headed towards the closed door to the bedroom, no one was inside when I knocked softly on it. The door unlatched and swung open, making a creaking sound. I brushed my teeth and changed before heading out of the room to go find her.

As I walked up the stairs, I could hear faint voices coming from behind the stairwell. I was about to take another step and walk into the hallway that is upstairs, but, I stopped in my tracks when I heard Niall say, "You haven't told Harry?"

I stood there for awhile, waiting for another set of voices to boom through the small space, but instead, I was granted with loud knocking and doors swinging open, as well as Niall's voice yelling, "Zayn! Get the fuck up!"

I don't know if whoever he was talking to was whispering, but, from what I could tell, I could hear Niall's voice and could tell Louis and Zayn spoke at least once. I didn't hear much until I heard her.

"Why is everyone saying that!" she yelled a bit louder than she'd like, not wanting to cause any attention from upstairs to wake me up. Thankfully, she thinks I'm downstairs in the bed we slept in last night, but, just in case, she clear her throat and takes a deep breath in. "Harry hates his father, he's waiting for him to show up anytime to strike out, so, if I can do something about it and make it faster, then so be it. I'm going," she looks between all of them, "and none of you will mention this to him." She tells them, not asking them.

I waited for them to get done with their conversation, and that lasted a good while. But, as I excepted, Molly didn't back down. She yelled at Levi who was scolding her for fucking up their plan. A plan that all of the boys knew about besides me. Why? I don't know. But I'm going to find out. And I'm going to stop Molly. I hate to do it this way, but, she cannot find out the real reason why I don't want my father to die at her hands. It has to be mine and, for the sake of her not getting physically hurt, everyone who thinks I wouldn't go and intervene is stupid. That's why I'm in one of the cars that Kelly had sent here for us when we first arrived in Puerto Rico.

I watch from inside the tinted glass of the windshield inside the car, watching Molly look around frantically before opening the door to the Jaguar, and slipping inside. She shuts the door with enough force to latch it closed, but she does it softly, almost like she's trying not to make any noise. As she pulls out of the driveway slowly, she doesn't hesitate to put the car in drive and speed out of the gated community. I wait back for awhile before she gets to the gate, not wanting her to see me following her. But, once she's out of the gate and enters the road full of cars, I pull the stick back, pressing down on the peddle with as much force as I have before moving the stick again, hearing the sound of the car roaring with the speed I'm going in order to catch up to her. As I pull out into the open road with cars passing by, someone honks at Molly because she's cutting anyone she can, and I make note to stop her somehow. I need to do it before she gets to my father's brother's house. I'll kill everyone I see if he hurts her.

Finally entering the right lane, I take my chance to ride the persons ass in front of me, to make them go faster. But, they don't, they step on their breaks hard enough to have me flying and hitting my chest against the wheel in order to stop fully as my foot presses down onto my own set of breaks.

"Mm," I laugh under my breath. "You chose to fuck with wrong person today, my love..." I whisper under my breath, directing it to the person in the car ahead of me.

Pressing down on the peddle as hard as I can, I allow my wheels to wobble for a minute before I take control of the stick shift with a tight grip around the numb, my knuckles going white. I turn the wheel to the right as I pull up beside them; my car being in the middle of two lanes. The person looks over at me frantically as I twist the wheel to their side, bumping their car enough to have their wheels lose control, making their car slide into the lane to their left, ramming into another car. I don't give myself enough time to watch it unfold, to see if the car they hit is swirling out of control. My mind is focused on catching up to Molly, and when she takes a turn to our right, I hit my hand on the steering wheel and scream, "Fuck!"

Cutting off other cars were easy for me, though. I knocked into them with enough force to have their wheels betray them even though their hands had control of the steering wheel. Thankfully for me, each car swirled around, out of my way. Some even crashed into other cars, causing a pile up that I'm sure will have everyone on the look out for who caused it. My mind is quickly repeating, "Molly, Molly, Molly, turn right, go straight, Turn left, go straight. This is a long deserted road... Turn right, no, left. Go straight. Pull into another gated community, only she can't get it, what is your plan, red?"

My thoughts are interrupted when I see the door opening from where she sits behind it, and when her soft, olive toned legs step out of the car, my eyes trail up her legs until I'm met with her hands, that, by the way, are holding a fucking rifle and and when she pulls it up to aim, she doesn't miss. The box of the intercom that you'd need to speak into in order for the gate to open, is flying up into the air; metal parts being flown into the air with such force, you almost can't see it hit the ground with how fast it's moving. My mouth falls agape. The grip my fingers had around the stirring wheel is now loose, and instead of wondering how she's going to get inside, I'm thinking about how I want to bend her over the front hood of that fucking Jaguar and fuck her until she can't remember her own name. That's the hottest thing I've ever seen her ever do. She quickly gets back into her car, pulling it over to the left and parks. I park the car I'm in right where I had pulled over right outside of the gate, and I don't get out until I see her tall figure stepping out in those heels, those black and red heels and that long black trench coat, and those fragile hands that are usually pushing my hair back, caressing my face or rubbing my back; are now holding onto the rifle with one hand while she's using her other to reach into the backseat to grab a backpack, slinging it over her shoulder. When she's shuts the door with a hard force, she turns on her heels quickly and walks like she's walking on a runway for the last time ever. That's when I grab my gun, my backpack full of other weapons, sling it over my shoulder, and get out and follow her.

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