❦67 • i l o v e t h i s p l a c e

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• H A R R Y •


For the past two weeks, Molly has been very moody.

Her mood swings are quite scary, going from happy to mad to upset within seconds. I'm not going to lie, she's giving me whiplash...

Today, we sat down on the couch and went over some house listings and different locations to get settled in at. We have traveled quite a bit, her doctor giving us the 'ok' to travel by plane. We've been to New Jersey, Florida, Nevada, and L.A. She's liked a couple of places, but she didn't like the schools around the area nor did she care for the places enough in order to have our kids grow up in that space.

We've been over how I own my penthouse back in New York, and we have discussed it and agreed to sell it. I only ever use if/when I'm not on tour, and even then, I'm always going places or traveling. I've spent more nights inside hotel rooms than I have in my own bed back in New York.

I suggested we leave far away from here all together, asked her to pack a bag and we can move to Italy, or even to France. And as much as she loved the idea, she hated being so far away from the boys. I know it would be a bit hard and we'd have to travel back and forth for the kids to see their uncles, but we'd be able to make it work. With the money that I make, we could honestly have about five places to own and still have enough left over for us, the kids, and traveling fees. But, in a realistic state...we want to settle down.

I've talked to the boys, and we have agreed not to break up the band, but after we finish the new rescheduled shows, we're going to take a bit of a break. We'll still be writing and going to the studio, but with the kids and everything that's going on in our lives with mine and Molly's parents, as well as Liz, I think we should hang low for awhile.

Though, hanging low isn't hiding per se, because the other night when Molly and I decided to finally lay down and get some sleep after I railed her for about four hours long; the news was on and what we watched made both of feel a bit uneasy.

"Tonight, investigators have found evidence left behind from the person who started the fire. It seems to be a small lighter, but, how they did it is still up to our minds. The police have made a statement that although they found a lighter with the same fingerprints from the latch; from inside the small bakery building; they won't be giving much reports, due to not knowing how the fire was caused, exactly. But, once we get more information, we'll have a long list of how's and why's, as well as a report on who to look out for."

This is the first time I've ever been in an investigation, though I haven't gotten caught and I'm not exactly wrapped up in it; knowing that it was me who started the fire, makes my nerves spike and makes me feel uneasy. Though, as painful as it was, I had cut each finger, not deep or long, just enough so if I had to have my fingerprints taken, they wouldn't match the ones that are on the latch inside of the bakery as well as on the lighter that I stupidly dropped.

Blowing the place up wasn't on my agenda, though, it did work out in our favor. I had to distract Liz, long enough to get us out of that place just to make it to the airport in time.

Knowing Liz has no idea where we are because I have made sure that we haven't gone out much; so we haven't been seen and people haven't taken photos of us and been posting them on their social medias; makes me feel better about everything.

Molly has felt a bit uncomfortable about settling down, because as long as we're on the go, nobody will know where are at all times. But, her and the kid's protection is my first priority, and I'll be damned if I let anyone find out where we live. We've agreed to only let our close circle know our address, and they know not to talk and tell anyone they know where we are; even if they're close with them. That's why Niall, Zayn, and Louis are with Molly and I today, looking at a house that's a bit further away from L.A, but still close enough to get to shopping places and are able to beat traffic if needed.

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