❦33 • i k n o w y o u m i s s m e

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• H A R R Y •


These past few days have consisted of the boys and I going over some new songs I've written while Molly and Levi have gone out to spend time together. Maybe to catch up, I don't know. That's what's making me mope on the couch. Every time I go over a new song, Zayn and Niall beg me to tell them what's going on between Molly and I. Niall asked me, "What's going on between you two, mate? Your lyrics are deep.." I like to think that it's just a small bump in the road, but I hate that I did what I did. It's something that's messing with me. It follows me everywhere I go, no matter where I am or what I'm doing. Levi has been giving me the silent treatment lately, the only thing he's said was, "Don't make me kill you right here in front of your friends, Harry."

Molly and I haven't really spoken since she had left me high and dry in the bed after leaving me to finish what she started, myself. Though, I didn't. I was in shock that she pulled the little stunt she pulled. And as much as it made me annoyed, I can't say that I didn't deserve it. What I did to her was beyond worse, and honestly I don't deserve her kindness or forgiveness. I still haven't apologized though, and that's what's been making me hate myself even more. I knew that ignoring what I had done was going to be hard, and me playing that game with Molly by playing hard to get doesn't help. I thought flirting and acting like it would pass as days went by would make us both feel better about it and after she gave into my game, we'd be as good as before. Only, we haven't talked since she asked to speak to me in the kitchen when we all were watching a movie together, and she said, "You keep staring at me," to which I said, "I can't help it,
you're the most beautiful person I've ever laid eyes on." And then she cried. And since that might, she's been silent and has avoided me at all costs. If I'm in the kitchen, she'll go back to her room or leave the area. If I'm walking down the hallway, she'll act like she forgot something in the bedroom that's right next door to mine and slip back inside the door until she's heard the door to my bedroom close.

Tonight, Niall said we all needed a family meeting, to which I rolled my eyes and called him a fucking idiot, and in return, he told me to stop being a baby and get a grip and meet him in the kitchen in ten. Now, I'm standing by the island, leaning against the counter with my legs crossed as well as my arms. Zayn is sitting on one of the stools as well as Levi, and Louis is sitting on the island on the far edge. The image of Molly kneeling in front of him as he sat in that chair, wrapping her pretty lips around his cock flash through my mind. I don't realize the scold on my face is stern and cold, not until Molly walks in and worry flashes across her face.

"You look good, red." Zayn says, eyeing her up and down.

"Thank you," she says quietly, a small smile crawling over her lips.

Her hair is down, wavy and long. The black dye has started to grow out, her roots showing the smallest bit of blond hair. She has a black hair band pushing her hair back to keep it out her face. Her face is clean, shiny, almost like she just washed it. She's wearing black yoga pants that flare at the bottom with white socks and a white zip up jacket. She looks tired, exhausted even, but she looks relaxed. She meets my eyes, shyly looking away after a minute and then her cheeks turn a light shade of red. A smile fights it's way up my lips, staring at her.

While we were in the kitchen the other night, she told me that she needs to make it clear that we are no longer together. We aren't a couple, and we're not friends. We're simply, "Coworkers, and once the show dates for the rescheduled shows are here, we'll work and that's it." And having these past few nights to think about everything's that's happened, I've decided to tell that vile voice in my head to shut up and listen to the other voice, the one that told me not to play that little game with Molly, the morning she made everybody breakfast.

She looks over at me again, and when she realizes I haven't looked away from her, she looks away and starts to fiddle with the rings on her fingers. My rings. All of them. I've been so caught up in my head that I haven't even noticed that she never gave me my rings back after she took them off with her teeth before she started to touch herself with my hand. Images of her sticking my fingers into her mouth, dragging her teeth along them to slide my rings off, flash through my mind. When she looks at me again, I'm the one to look away quickly, because I know my face says it all.

Niall walks into the kitchen, taking a seat at the island on one of the stools. Three stools sit behind the island in front of me, where Levi, Zayn and Niall sit. One stool sits in front of me on the side of the island I'm standing in front of. Molly sways in her spot and from the tired look her eyes show, I feel bad the moment I pull the stool out to sit down on it. Instead of taking a seat, I keep my fingers wrapped around the bottom of the seat, and I look at Molly who is swaying in her spot.

"Come sit down," I motion with my head to come sit, and I don't know if it's because I haven't said a word to her for a few days, or if it's because I haven't been in the same room as her for a few days—but my heart is hitting my chest with each beat, and I feel the butterflies fly around aimlessly in my stomach when she doesn't shy away. She looks down as she walks over to the stool.

When she sits down, her back is pressed against my chest. We both still, neither of us dare to move. I can tell she's holding her breath because her back stills completely. Niall speaks up, and going against everything I've been battling myself with in my head for these past few days—I rest both of my arms on either side of her, laying my hands flat on the island, caging her in. Thankfully, no one says anything or goes out of their way to stare, but after Niall says, "I'm tired of moping around. We're in Puerto Rico, we need to have fun. We're going to a bar tonight, no if's, and's, or but's."—Levi and Niall stare at Molly with shit eating grins on their faces, making me think that Molly's face is reddened, making a blush known. When Niall looks at me with a small smirk on his face, I remove my arms from around her and take a step back. Her shoulders drop the moment my chest isn't touching her back, making me think she's a little upset that I've moved.

To that, I'm left confused with questions I want to ask her, but, I don't. Instead, I lean back against the counter and shake my head at Niall when he says, "Tonight's going to be fun."


smiling, giggling and kicking my feet

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