❦63 • a n d w h e n i s e e y o u r f a c e

537 10 1

• H A R R Y •
//T R I G G E R   W A R N I N G:
S E X U A L   A C T S\\

"You'd really do this?" she asks me again, she needs me to be sure.

I look at her sternly while I nod my head slowly.

"I've never been so sure about anything in my entire life, red. I give you my word."

She nods and before she can say something, I clear my throat and say, "There is more to this, though. There are more things we need to talk about, but most importantly, we need to talk about this some more. We need a plan, we need an escape plan, we need a plan specifically for this baby. My job is to not only protect you, but now I have a little one to take care of, and I'll be damned if I let anyone; especially my father try to take them away from me. And I'm going to be honest with you, red...I love you, but I will choose this baby over you any day. They come first. Them over anyone, and I need to know that you will do the same for them. Can you do that? Can you choose them without blinking your eyes and overthinking it?"

She stares me in shock. I don't think she expected me to be so open and stern about this. But I am, this is my child. I'll be damned if they grow up with parents like us. I will not be my father.

"Them over anybody," she says. I nod my head and lick my lips. I search her face before nodding again.

Exhaling a large breath, I say, "On another note, there are some things I need to tell you. One, I did coke. I haven't done it in a few days, the day you called me and told me to come get you was the last day I touched any of it. Also, I uh.."

"You what, Harry?" she asks quietly, more soothingly than before. "What did you do?"

I look at her with a pained look as I say, "I slept with Angela. A couple of times, actually.."

"Okay, so..what? Are you two-"

"No!" I cut her off quickly and shake my head. "No. No, we are not anything. I don't want to be with her, and I sure as fuck don't want her in our sons-"

"Daughters," she corrects me. We both stare at each with small smiles on our lips and start laughing softly.

"Our child's life," I say.

"Right.." she nods her head, and the smile on her lips goes away when a small frown casts over her lips. She looks at me before saying, "I'm feeling hurt...but I know you just relapsed, I have never been in your shoes, I don't know what that is like. I am not excusing what you did because of something you're going through, not at all. But, I won't bash you for it. We're adults and there is a baby involved now...we need to act like adults, and we need to start thinking like them."

I nod and agree with her. She sighs heavily. She looks around the room before landing on my face. "What else?" she asks me.

"Uh.." I shrug before pushing my hair back, running my fingers through it. "I think that's it. How do you feel right now? About everything? Angela and me relapsing?"

She shrugs before laying her legs out. I'm quick to wrap my hand around her calf and rub her leg slowly, up and down, up and down, up and down.

"I'm scared, I guess," she says quietly.

"Hm..about what, baby?"

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