❦12 • c o n f u s e d

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• M O L L Y •


"Do you want to talk about what happened?"

Harry sat down next to me on the bed and nudged his shoulder against mine softly.

"No, I'd rather not." I say back before kicking off my shoes and standing up to take my coat off. I shrug it off before laying it over the chair by the window in the hotel room.

"Red, it's been two days. You need to eat," he says to me before pointing to the food on the table, right where I'm standing.


"Red," he stands up and walks over to me. He holds onto my shoulders gently and squeezes them while looking at me, searching my face.  "I know what happened was scary, and I know it's sudden and nothing about it makes sense, I'm just as confused as you are. I only went to that warehouse because he asked for you."

"How do you even know him, Harry?" I look up at him and raise an eyebrow. "How do you know he asked for me, why is he asking for me?" I shake my head and search his face this time, trying to read him. But I come up with nothing, he still has a frown on his face and the crease between his eyeshadow grew deeper.

He removes his hands from my shoulders and looks elsewhere, walking back over to the bed to sit down on the edge of it.

"It's none of your business. I just thought maybe you'd want to talk about it."

He takes off his shoes, leaving him in his socks and jeans with that stupid, leather jacket that makes me want to pounce on him.

I'm a bit taken back by his sudden change of tone, confused as how he was being open a second ago to being so closed off now.

"It is my business when it involves me, Harry," I walk over to the edge of the bed and stand in front of him. He's sitting with his legs spread, both elbows resting on his thighs and his hands are held together, hanging in between his lap. His head hangs down, looking at his hands or at his feet.

"It only involves you when I say it does," he says coldly. I'm hurt that he's being a little rude to me now that I've started talking to him.

"How does that even make sense, Harry?" I take a step closer to him, and if he were to take a deep breath or to move slightly, his knee would budge mine. "I met you guys like...what? Almost a week ago? And now I'm getting hit in the head with guns and being threatened-"

"Stop!" he yells as he drops his hands from the hold they were in, as he looks up at me. My heart drops to my stomach, startled from the sudden loud noise. I don't know if I jumped or if I took a step back, but somehow I'm not as close to him as I was a couple of seconds ago.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask him, feeling like maybe he's needing to instead of me. He's been having nightmares, and I don't know what they're about or why he's having them, but they clearly bother him. I can see it on his face that he's tired. He's been good to me recently so I should do the same and try to be here for him.

"I don't want to talk about it, Molly, and I don't even do this kind of shit. I was being nice, you've ignored me for two days." He says lowly and runs a hand through his hair to push it back.

"What shit?"

"This," he says and points between the two of us. "I don't do friends, I don't do the whole, I want to be near you because we fucked once and I think I like you, thing. And I sure as fuck don't care so I want to make it very clear to you, red, whatever you think is going on inside of your head, it's not happening."

Taken back by his sudden change and coldness makes me feel kind of angry. I don't know why I expected
him to think we're friends when we're not, he's right. We barley know each other, but I don't really believe that he doesn't care. I don't believe he'd do what he's done if he didn't.

"I don't believe you," I say flatly.

He looks up at me with an annoyed expression, his jaw locked in place. The ticking in his jaw makes it known he's clenching his teeth.

"I don't really care what you believe, Molly. I sure as fuck didn't ask for your opinion about it either, so I don't want to talk about it."

He stands up from the bed and shrugs off his leather jacket, draping it across the chair beside mine. He makes his way behind me, and I hear the bathroom door open. He turns the sink on, and I hear some movement before the water is turned off. I turn around and face him. He's brushing his teeth, staring in the mirror.

"If you didn't care, Harry, you wouldn't have let me stay in here." I say quietly and take a seat at the edge of the bed, where he was only seconds ago.

The tick in his jaw is thick when he tightens his grip on the toothbrush. He spits into the sink and pours some mouthwash into the small cap that is the lid before bringing the cap to his lips and tilting his head back to let the liquid flow around in his mouth. Swooshing it around, he then leans over the sink and spits it out.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" he asks as he wipes his mouth with a hand rag before tossing it onto the counter aggressively before turning to face me.

"If you didn't care, Harry, you wouldn't have let me sleep in your bed! You would have closed the door on my face instead of letting me crawl into your sheets and you wouldn't have taken care of me after I got hit in the fucking head, which by the way, who the fuck was that?"

He's about to answer me but before he can open his mouth, I keep going.

"You wouldn't have kissed me so I wouldn't have a panic attack and you wouldn't have tried feeding me for two days straight or allowed me to be in the same room with you while you were completely naked," I take a deep breath in before slowly letting it out.

He chuckles lowly, looking away from me with a shake of his head. "God, Molly, maybe because I'm decent enough of a person to not leave someone on the ground when they're bleeding out!" he yells back. I stand up, and rethink why I even came here to begin with. I should've stayed in my own room. "We're not friends Molly, you're a girl who I fucked and someone who works for me. I won't be here when you have boy troubles and want to hangout just to hangout, you can go vent to your friend, Liz, if that's what you want."

He walks over to table and drops his phone down onto it, walking over to the bed right after, taking a seat in front of me. "And I only kissed you because you were panicking, you would have gotten killed or gotten me killed."

"I'm going to uh-" I turn around and grab my coat off of the chair and shrug it on before heading toward the door. "Thanks for letting me stay here and doing..." I wave my hand around. "What you did," I turn around quickly and make my way out the door, walking down the hall to my room.

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