❦30 • p e n o n p a p e r

885 22 6

• H A R R Y •


All morning I've been writing different lyrics, erasing them, writing  them again, and eventually I gave up and threw a couple of papers away. But after writing the last set of lyrics, after pressing the pen to paper over a million times, I finally close my notebook and set it on the table next to the bed. I'm definitely showing the boys this one for our next show. I head out into the hallway, and instantly my nose is hit with the smell of bacon, eggs and pancakes.

When I turn the corner to step into the kitchen, I instantly regret consuming all of the alcohol I had last night. The sun is beaming through the window that sits above the sink, shining down on the marble island. Niall, Louis and Molly stand by the island, filling their plates with food.

"Molly made breakfast," Louis says while stuffing his plate with bacon.

I keep my eyes on the ground, or on my hands while I grab a cup from the cabinet. I walk over to the fridge to grab some orange juice. I curl my fingers around the handle to the fridge and pull it towards me for it to open. I grab the orange juice and pour some into my cup after twisting the lid off. I twist the lid back on, and walk back over to the fridge to put the container back. When I open it, it slams into a body, making me pull it back towards me and look at whoever it is I accidentally hit.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you-" but I close my my mouth when I see Molly nod her head in understanding and quickly turning away to walk around the island to get to where she was going.

The awkwardness is known, very much up in the air. The boys eye me weirdly, and when Niall says, "Anyways..." and stands up from his seat on the stool on the other side of the island, he walks over to the sink to place his plate there, he continues. "We got invited to a movie premiere tonight," he looks at Louis and I, and then slowly looks at Molly.

Before any of us can say anything, Zayn storms into the kitchen with only his boxers on and messy hair. He looks pissed, almost like someone just threatened his life.

"Where the fuck is Liz?" he asks through clenched teeth.

My eyes find Molly, and to his question, her body tenses up and looks down at her plate. Watching her chest, I can see her holding her breath for a second, every time she lets out an exhale. Her eyes stay down, but everyone else's is on me. I'm assuming because Molly hasn't said anything, they think maybe I've seen her.

"She swore she'd paid me back for the acid I bought us last night, but when I went to go find her in her room," he walks over to the island. "She wasn't there. Nor was the bag of acid tabs that I left on the dresser in there, and," he places his hands on the marble, "her bed was made and her suitcase and duffle bag aren't in there. She totally dipped and used me!"

Knowing this makes me a dick, I like that he blames himself for why she just up and left. I walk over to the island to sit down on one of the stools, sitting down in one, a couple of seats away from Molly. They boys all look around the room before giving me a weird look, wondering why I'm so far away from my now—girlfriend, who they don't know isn't my girlfriend anymore. Is she? What I did would make most people say no, so I think that's the answer. Flashbacks from last night make my heart rate pick up, and suddenly, my stomach feels uneasy and I feel....sad.

"Sorry, man," Niall pats his shoulder. "I've been saying she's trouble." He says the last part a little under his breath, but it caught my attention and Mollys.

She stares at her plate and when Niall walks around and kisses the top of Molly's head, I instantly feel my heart skip a beat, making my stomach drop. That could be me. That should be me, but I fucked up. I hate that I didn't walk out of my room this morning and meet her in the kitchen and kiss her on her head and say, "Good morning, baby."

I want to talk to her, and I want to be near her, but where do I even start? I don't know what to even say. How does one begin a conversation like the one we need to have? I just don't know. What I do know, is that I need to be the one to start it. And that terrifies me because I don't know how to do this. I know what I did was wrong and I know that even though she's looking at me right now—thinking I don't notice and see her out of the side of my vision; she's still hurt and probably really hates me. But even though I know that, I can't help but get excited that she's even looking at me at all, and there's a voice inside my head that is yelling at me to fix this right now and then there's another voice telling me to play a sick, twisted game, just to earn her back. Only one voice is a good guy, because that twisted game will have us both hurting in the end, knowing it isn't the right way to go about this situation. Though, I push both voices to the back of my mind and when I stand up from my seat and grab my now empty cup to take to the sink; I take the wrong route, and I start a twisted, mind fucked game. I walk behind her stool, caging her in as I rest both of my hands down onto the island, one arm on each side of her. I bring one hand up, to drop the cup into the sink and lay it back down on the marble.

"Thanks for the breakfast, red." I brush my lips against her ear, whispering, before grabbing a strawberry from her plate and taking a bite.

The boys all look at us, and quickly look away when I lean back up, and walk away. I walk over to the couch, feeling a tingle in my spine while my stomach is doing flips. Being close to her made me feel like putty, but I know she felt it too. I could feel her back go flat while she held her breath, her body tensing up at first but she quickly relaxed when I spoke. She held onto her fork with a death grip, her knuckles almost turned white.

As I sit down on the couch, I bring both arms over the top and rest them there, looking over at Niall.

"What movie is it, Ni? Where is it?" I ask him, remembering he said something about a movie premiere.

Zayn and Louis walk over to the couch and take a seat as well, at the same time Levi comes out and greets us all. He says good morning to Molly while making his way over to the couch to sit. Niall stays by the island, cleaning up the kitchen while Molly finishes her plate of food.

"Mm!" he says while wiping the counter with a rag. "Another stupid Scream remake," he shrugs. "It sounds fun, though."

"Oh shit!" Zayn moves quickly from his spot on the couch to grab a bag that's sitting on the coffee table. "She didn't take the acid after all," he says with a smile. "I'm surprised nobody stole this last night." He flips the baggy around, inspecting it.

"So, what time is this movie thing?" I ask.

"Around seven," Niall makes his way over to the couch. "I was told to dress fancy."

"Mm," I nod and look over the couch at Molly who's washing her plate in the sink. "You should wear that red dress, tonight, Molly."

I can see her cheeks redden at my comment. I smirk, knowing this is a dangerous game to play, but knowing that I'm getting a raise out of her, makes it worth it.

"You look stunning in it," I add.

To this, Niall nods to agree with me. Molly wipes her hands off with a paper towel and walks over to the trash to throw it away. I can't tell what she's thinking, but my heart is beating rapidly the longer she stays quiet. The moment she speaks up, my heart sinks and a smirk crosses my face devilishly, not because it's the
first time I'm hearing her voice since last night, but because of what she says.

"Louis, you have a red tie, yeah?" He nods, raising an eyebrow. "Good. I'll wear my red dress," she looks at me before looking back at Louis. "You wear that tie and you can be my date." She gives him a lazy smile before walking out of the kitchen and down the hall, to whatever room she slept in last night.

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