Part 2

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I woke up to the lantern in my hut swinging backwards and forwards, it irritated me so much that I got off my bed to stop the movement, I looked at the walls to remember I'm at the dragon hunters base! I took a glance at the spices to realise I was their medic I didn't know what to do say I just stayed in my tent twirling my hair.

I heard a lot footsteps walking past my tent but I ignored it I sat on my desk brushing my hair before I heard a nose at the wooden posts.

"Come in". I say in a low suttle tone to see the guy I hated the most.

"I thought you would come for breakfast". He rubbed his fingers together.

"I didn't think I was welcomed". I look away from him.

"Im sure you are they adore you". He walks closer to my table.

"Haha funny". I say with no expression on my face.

"Why don't you join me for breakfast or you could just starve in your tent". He placed his hands behind his back.

"Oh well I have nothing better to do". I got off my chair and walked beside viggo.

I felt all eyes on me and I was a bit ashamed I didn't like being near viggo or the dragon hunters they made me so uncomfortable. My eyes darted to the floor I saw so many footprints and dragon footprints they looked so familiar, but all I cared about was flesh claw.

"Take a seat". Viggo gestured his arm to a table and chair.

I carried on walking without saying I sat on the wooden chair which was placed next to a long table where all of the other dragon hunters ate their food. I hated being next to these grimly men they grabbed chicken legs and gobbles it down like its their last meal. Viggo and riker sat higher up with more fancy food, I noticed that riker swallowed wine like a drug addict however viggo ate peacefully and never slopped. He noticed I was watching him so he raised an eyebrow and I quickly moved my eyes away to the table of hungry vikings.

"Whats a lady like you doing here"? A dragon hunter got into my face.

I didn't reply and grabbed an apple to just eat for breakfast I hated eating here I don't like eating infront of a lot people as it made me really insecure about myself. I quietly ate hearing all of the slops which irritated me so much, did no one learn their manners?!

"Your pretty for a dragon rider". A grimly man smuggly smile.

"And your ugly for a dragon hunter". I finished eating my apple.

"Playing hard to get"? He grabs my thigh.

"Piss of". I move my thigh away.

"Come on you know what you want"! He slaps my ass.

That's it! Im going to beat the absolute shit out of him, I grabbed his hand of my ass and got out of the seat pulling his arm. I looked at him before grabbing his neck and pulling it to my face then doing a strong punch to the skull, the dragon hunter flew to the ground Caughting everyone's attention. My fist were bloody and my eyebrows were furrowed, I went to attack him again before I got to him riker was pulling me back then lowering a sword to my neck.

"This is why we don't trust dragon riders". He snarled then put the sword closer to my neck causing a lit trail of blood leaving my body.

"HE ASSAULTED ME"! I tried to get riker off me.

"Than my dear yn he will pay the price". Viggo walked over to the hunter with a bloody skull.

"You believe her"?! Riker yanked me further back.

"Assault is nothing to lie nor make fun of and dear yn wouldn't randomly attack a guy if so she would of killed every one including us". He looked at the hunter in digust.

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