Part 24

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I felt like screaming to the top of my lungs, it was a silent ride with just me and viggo riding to who know where. Viggo didn't want to say a word he knew it would just make the situation even more worse, I stumbled across a massive island with a water fall and a huge tree. I directed fleshclaw to fly down, viggo followed after me landing onto a tree.

I took out my map adding some pieces onto it, I gave a look at viggo before clearing my throat.

"Im sorry". I closed the map.

"Dear it was your decision". Viggo gave me a look.

"I know but I ruined your chance to he friends off the riders". I placed the map away.

"I already am". He petted the skrill.

"What you gonna name it"? I walked up to him.

"Hmm I suppose 'its' name will be snaptiller". He nuzzled against his dragon.

"Hey snaptiller". I petted him before looking away.

"Who knew you a dragon rider I just thought you would be stuck up dick". I patted fleshclaw.

"Bit offensive". He chuckled.

"Atleast you will get girlfriends now". I sat beside the tree.

"I don't want any girlfriend". He walked closer to me.

"I forgot your not a lover". I rolled my eye.

"Dear yn I am a lover but I just don't show it". He sat down next to me.

"Sure". I scoffed.

He looked at me into my eyes before placing his hand on my cheeks pulling my lips into his, I moved myself closer to him. He put my hands to his then pulling away my heart was racing, my face was so red I can't believe I've kissed him 2 times within a day!

"Dear yn will you be my girlfriend"? He looked at me in the eyes.

"Yes"! I hugged him tightly.

I pulled him back into a kiss I never knew this day would come but it feels like I found my soul mate, I gave him sweet eyes before letting go off him laying back onto the tree. I started to rest my head onto viggo's shoulder before drifting off to sleep.

"Stoick"? I opened the door

"Yes yn"? He turned his head towards me.

"Can we talk about groman"? I sat next to him.

"Go ahead". He turned back to the paper.

"I want to divorce him". I sighed.

"WHAT"! His eyes opened.

"He did something which was unforgivable". I looked away..

"I don't care your not divorcing him".

"ROAWH"! Fleshclaw roared louds as she could.

This woke me up to find myself cuddling still viggo, I moved my head away to figure our fleshclaw was being taken! I quickly woke up viggo running at the vikings to only see krogan, Johan and ryker.

I kept up behind a bush jumping onto the ryker smacking him to the ground, krogan kicked my back making me push myself to the ground. Krogan was about to take me until viggo kicked him clashing their swords together, I ran after Johan punching him but it was 2v3 we couldn't win.

"Viggo we need to get out of here"! I ran to fleshclaw.

He nodded whilsting for snaptiller we both flew out fast as we can seeing multiple ships thank god we got out of there before anything else happened, but where do we go now? We can't just run forever.

"Where do we go now"? I turned to look at viggo.

"I fear that I don't know". Viggo sighed.

I opened up my map looking around trying to find a suitable island but I had an idea.

"Why don't we go north"? I shouted through the wind.

"Our dragons are built for the weather and I doubt anyone will find us there".

"Very well". Viggo nodded his head.

We flew forever and forever before coming to a massive ice spike it was magnificent seeing something like that but it was obviously man made. We did a quick check before seeing a cave which was oddly shaped, I flew down into the little cracks hearing roars it was dark but warm?

The amount of parkour we did was ridiculous, jumping through little holes aswell climbing up tall slopes to see something that no one should ever, it was green like actaul grass a massive pillar in the middle. The dragons would fly around it all of the different species and some I haven't actaully seen before but there was a few white grey ish spikes from the ground just barely visible from all of the smoke.

I heard so many little dragons roars fleshclaw and snaptiller on guard protecting something from us, a storm cutter from the wall slowly crept down tilting its head like a owl. A women slightly taller than us came from the dragon she was wearing a teal brown outfit with some type of staff, she started to wave it around making a noise the dragons then turned towards us making us go into a circle.

Fleshclaw and snaptiller expanded their wings ready to fire but the women went over to them scratching underneath their chins laying them onto the ground, guess I'm not the only tamer. She then turned towards us walking closer staring at our face this kidnapped creeped me out stepping back but then bumping into a dragon, the dragon growled but I placed my hand onto its nose then petting it.

"Who are you"? I turned to the women.

She then tilted her head before mumbling something into her mask before taking it off, her face was so similar no it can't be?

"Valka"? I gasp escaped from my mouth.

"Yn"? She started to smile.

"Oh my"! I ran up to her hugging her.

She hugged me back.

"All of these years". She looked me up and down.

"I thought you died"?! I looked at her dragon.

"Well cloudjumper actaully saved me". She traced her hand around fleshclaw.

"And who is this"? She looked at viggo.

"My name is viggo grimborn". He raised his head.

Valka immediately furrowed her brows giving cloudjumper a look before growling.

"No no he is fine now he has a dragon". I say before anything else happened.

Snaptiller walked forward covering viggo with his wing, montary then came off fleshclaw flying onto my back.

"I wish things were that easy". She calmed down cloud jumper.

"What do you mean"? I looked at her confused.

"Drago". She breathed heavily.

I looked at viggo to see him shocked who is drago?

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