Part 8

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Then we flew further away from the island, as we went across the sea we came to a vast island which had many fires shouting vikings. My curiosity came over me so we swooped down to the shore and hid behind a gaint rock. There was about 4 dragon hunters talking about further plans?

There was a guy named krogan... I lifted my head a bit higher from the big rock. Then they all looked at me shit! I nudged fleshclaw to fly it heard the arrow being placed into the bow however fleshclaw was to speedy and already was gone by the time.

Again across the be honest I should just stay at one island. I was getting bored looking at the boring blue sea to I noticed a ship from the distance we immediately went to the clouds we flew behind the ship so they wouldn't noticed then went down to the side.

As fleshclaw started to smell the wood her tail immediately wagged, she flew up onto the deck and it was johan!

"Ah mrs yn what a surprise to see you here"! Johan eyes lit up.

"Its a pleasure seeing you". I smiled and looked at his ship.

"May I ask where are the others"?

"They told me to leave after I was meant to get married so I'm alone". I laugh it off.

"Oh im sorry to hear that but I do see you make quiet a friend". His eyes darted to the deathsong on my back.

"His name is montary". I got off fleshclaw.

"Oh what a lovely name". He went over to pet him but then he stopped.

"Anything wrong"?

"Oh sorry Mrs yn I was just caught in my wonders'. He placed a hand on the dragon then moved away.

"So what stumbles you across johans ship"! He walked to the wheel.

"Just out for a flight". I tickle montary nose.

"Well if you like you can stay here for a while". He smiled at me.

"That would be lovely thank you". I sat myself on a barrel.

"Have you got anymore of your amazing tales"? I crossed my legs.

"It appears your the only one who is interested in my fascinating tales"! He sounded cheerful.

"Well my dad used always tell me story's so I love it when other poeole do". I untied my hair.

"Very well it was one long day".

Blah blah blah blah, however no matter how long it i never interrupted or turned my attention to something else I was always so intruged.

"To be honest that was my favorite tale yet"! I got off the barrel and felt my numb legs.

"Out of all of the 15 I told you"?

"Indeed but if I was being honest all of them were my favorite". I watched fleshclaw hunt for fish in the water.

"So anything interesting happened recently accept from the edge"? I stood next to me.

"I guess I did meet viggo grimborn". I moved montary of my back.

"Ah yes the famous dragon hunter how did it go"?

"Surprisingly really well he was nice to me and fleshclaw". I sat down.

"Is that so"? Johan looked at me with a smirk.


"I do fear he may be after the gang".

"They can sort themselves out". The word gang grossed me out.

"I see your very upset about them". He shot a look at me.

"You have no idea". I placed montary on my lap.

I felt myself get a bit tired.


"Yes Mrs yn"? He turned around.

"Is it alright if I take a little nap if I'm not being a burden"?

"Take much rest as you need"! He moved his hands around.

"Your always the kindest". I did a massive smile.

Freshclaw got out of the water shaking her entire fur getting the water on me. I scoffed then went by a door and layed down using my hair as a pillow. The boat slowly rocked side to side before it all went pitch black.

I crept down the stairs in my night gown I had a candle in my hand then I noticed my dad biting his nails acting all noxious his knee kept going up and down. As I moved my foot the wood creaked making him look at me.

"Yn what are you doing up this late"? He didn't sound angry at all.

"I was thirsty". I held onto my Teddy bear.

He sighed " come i will give you some water". He grabbed a jug and placed into a cup.

I walked down the stairs still holding onto my bear, I felt the warmth of the fire go onto my bare legs. I gently held onto the cup taking small sips.

"Can you tell me some tales"! I massive smile came onto my face.

"If so". He picked me up and placed me onto his lap.

The rocking started again as I remember I came onto the ship. I rubbed my eyes to see we were still on water. I move my head away from the wooden pillar and got up.

"Awake I see"? Johan turned around to face me.

"Yeah". I placed a hand on my sweaty forehead.

"Oh dear let me get you some water". He rushes around the ship.

"Its alright Johan it was only a dream". I laughed at how funny it was.

"Oh phew"! He acted like nothing happened.

"I think me and the dragons better get going don't want to stop you from your business". I whistled for montary to get onto my back.

"Very well have a good flight Mrs yn".

"It was a lovely time meeting you".

"I appreciate the compliments". I got onto fleshclaw.

"We shall meet again". I bowed my head to Johan then took of making the ship slightly rock.

"Sooner than you may think".

Hello guys! Sorry this was a short chapter as I wanted to make a cool cliff hanger so I do aplogise but I trust you I will make longer chapters in the future!

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