Part 29

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I was cuddling with fleshclaw till we heard many voices, we both gave each other weird looks before flying out of the cave. Oh my thor! There was dragon hunters ships everywhere dragons in armour so many cages and so many machinery, I flew fast as I could back into the cave to see the others confused. The dragons were panicking all of them were alert, I rushed to valka before saying.

"Drago he has a army he is here"!

"Get the alpha ready"! She shouted.

Viggo ran to me then kissed me on the forhead then getting onto snaptriller, the other riders got onto their dragons even stoick and gobber. We made a plan, I watched the alpha move up, she was absolutely stunning aswell massive drago has no chance against her. Me and the riders came out of the cave flying towards the battle, montary expanded his wings ready to fire as he was growing he could fire in big chunks.

Viggo went up to the clouds to cause lightning, eret was still worried as he was only new to riding but he has to give his best shot. Hiccup flew hastily firing at the hunters getting close to drago, I flew between the cages blowing holes into the net. Fleshclaw did a shot making the ice melt, a crack began to form sinking the hunters and their cages I got out my sword flying close to the ground slashing any hunters that come to contact with it.

We then went higher into the air to be greeted with snotlout which was on fire because of hookfang what a complete idiot, I flew beside snotlout covering him making sure he wasn't getting shot. It was so intense montary then fired a big chunk at lever on a cage freeing the dragons, he also fired at the dragons which were in gronckle iron armour.

We then spinned in the air throwing our spikes everywhere, the dragons came out of the cave flying towards the commotion this was their nest they must fight for it. I jumped of fleshclaw flying towards the hunters, I kicked one in the head as I landed swaying my sword around in circles attacking the others around it. Then a loud roar happen their nest! The alpha made a hole as she got out valka was flying on cloudjumper above the dragon holding out her staff.

I noticed hiccup came in contact with drago, he would be able to fight back hiccup will win, I rushed back onto fleshclaw to see massive storm clouds forming. Multiple lighting strikes fire down buring some of the caterpults, I flew beside Astrid giving her smile. Fleshclaw opened her mouth doing a massive fire blowing up multiple hunters.

We flew between the alpha's legs making sure no hunters were trying to hurt her, fleshclaw went upside down before firing her spikes at the hunters. I saw valka getting shot by a net! We got over instantly to see stoick already protecting her however something broke multiple of ice it came from the water! I narrowed my eyes trying to focus to see another bewilderbeast! Holy shit all of the riders panicked as more dragons got captured, I tried to free many as possible but one person won't deafet over 100.

The bewilderbeast started to attack with their tusks there was no way I can interven its forbidden I just hope she will win, I went down to eret to see him enjoying it?

"How is it"? I shouted over the commotion.

"Pretty fun". He shouted back.

I gave him a nodd before flying infront of him going full speed, I kept turning my back to see the two alphas fight. Montary was getting tired from firing in so many cages so we had to be careful, I noticed hiccup going face to face with drago he looked so small but I just can't get into the fight. Ruffnut got captured by a net so I fastly flew down grabbing her getting her back onto her dragon.

"Thanks yn"! She smiled.

"No problem". I flew above them.

We went sideways making it harder for the hunters to fire at us, we went down to the ice to grab a bow. I took a bucket of arrow then began to fire at the hunters directly hitting them into their hearts then I wish I didn't see the thing I have just witnessed, drago's bewilderbeast knocked the valka's. GET UP GET UP! I thought to myself but no...

Drago'a bewilderbeast stabbed his tusk into her body causing her to die, I heard myself whimper then valka shouted. The riders slowed down their flying to see the dead bewilderbeast we have lost... the bewilderbeast roared for victory hiccup was fucked!

I tried to get there fast as possible, drago's bewilderbeast beast spikes shaked his eyes were crossed? I began to run up to drago but I saw toothless ready to fire at hiccup! I noticed stoick running to protect his son however I just kept running for the haddocks! Toothless fired but before stoick could jump in the way I did, I flew back onto the snow feeling my insides burnt.

"YN"! stoick shouted.

Drago laughed then turned toothless off his control, hiccup sat beside me crying over my body I was slowly still alive.

"Im s-sorry I w-an-st t-he per-fect n-iece". I stuttered.

"No... no". Stoick began crying.

Valka ran over aswell crying next to me, I heard footsteps in the snow. I slowly looked up to see viggo crying aswell, bent down pulling my body across his lap he placed a hand under my head trying to stop his crying.

"Dear you will survive". His lips were shaking.

I did a small smile lifted my head to his, I kissed him on the lips before placing my head back onto his hand.

"See you in valhalla". I cried feeling my insides burnt.

"NO"! He shouted pulling my body onto his making us hug.

I saw everyone around crying their eyes out including gobber.

"Thank you for being in my life". I closed my eyes.

There was shouting, hiccup pushed toothless away making toothless upset. I felt viggo place my hand between his, then there nothing.

THIS ISNT THE ENDING OF THE STORY BTW!!!! I think I just ruined the next chapter but I just wanted to say just incase some of you will be upset if I stopped posting on this story.

Anyways I really enjoyed writing this chapter! So I hoped you enjoyed reading it have a good day!

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