Part 20

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I groaned as I rocked backwards and forwards wait why was I rocking backwards and forwards?! I quickly opened my eyes to see myself on a bed, I ran to the closet window and all I saw was blue ocean. My sword and dagger was placed on the dresser next to the bed, my breathing slowed down I placed my sword and dagger onto my belt.

I slowly opened the door creeping through the boat I think I may of been kidnapped.


"AHHH"!!! I jumped forcing myself to fall onto the wooden floor.

"Oh my god viggo don't creep up on me like that"! I paced my breathing.

"Dear yn I was curious as you randomly started hide behind walls". Viggo held out his hand.

"I just thought I got kidnapped". I grabbed onto his hand then got up.

"I do have to say that was amusing seeing you fall". He did a smirk.

"Wait- why am I even on a boat"? I look around.

"Johan has decided to set sail and you were fast asleep so krogan carried you onto the boat". He moved his hands behind his back.

"Oh how lovely". I walk off.

I opened the door to see the sun literally blasting infront of my face making my eyes squint, I saw from afar Johan and krogan standing next to eachother watching the sea. I shook my head trying to let myself not to get dizzy, montary then flew onto my back weighing me down.

There was many ships from each side aswell shouting and arguing stupid viking, I grabbed some food then brung it to my room.

Dear dairy

I'm still with the dragon hunters surprise suprise but I now started to like it as the leaders aren't that bad, me and viggo had a deep conversion which I haven't done in years! Then we played it but that was a big mistake as I hid on the branch viggo caught me but as I ran after him the branch snapped making me fall onto him, the fall was painful because the new dagger I have brought stabbed into my leg.

But this soon was taken care off as I was flying the viggo krogen then suddenly caught up with us but hiccup decided to pay us a little visit however we completely eneded them well not kill them but stopped them from invading our island. Then I decided to go to sleep to find myself on a boat to somewhere see you next time dairy!

I closed the book as I finished my food , the boat did a massive bang so I ran to the deck to see a flock of wild dragons attacking the ship. I immediately got onto fleshclaw, krogan was about to attack them before I shouted at him.

"What do you think your doing"?! He took out his sword.

"I will lead them away from the ship attacking them will only anger them more"! I flew over to the flock.

Fleshclaw went infront the flock roaring at the dragons like she is speaking to them, the dragons hissed. We flew closer and I saw the deadly nadder began to fire so I jumped of fleshclaw not releasing the gap but I grabbed onto the edge of the mouth of the deadly nadder. The dragon started to fly around but I grabbed onto its horn infront of its face, I looked into its eyes before bowing my head.

"Its alright". I place my open hand on its forehead.

The dragon calmed down, then it roared flying back i jumped back onto fleshclaw flying back to the ship.

"See no harm need to be done". I gave krogan a cocky look.

"Whatever". He stormed off.

"Johan may I ask where are we even going"?

"You would know when we get there". He gave me a side eye before looking away.

Bitch, I was bored so I decided to tease viggo a little bit.

"Viggo". I got off fleschlaw.

"Yes"? He turned around.

"Whats your opinion on being wet"? I leaned against the edge of the boat.

"What type of wet"? He gave me a smirk.

My face went blank i never knew he would be so dirty minded.

"Are you alright dear yn?" He said with no expression.

"No I'm traumatised".

I went closer to him then went to push him off the ship but he didn't even move a muscle oh shit, he grabbed his sword then turned around to chase me. I ran over to krogan hiding behind his back.

"What are you children doing"?! Krogan looked at me.

"Viggo is trying to kill me"! I hid behind his back.

Krogan grabbed my wrist pulling me in the middle then he also took out his sword great now im fucked. I started to ran off fast as I can before tripping over a piece of rope, I then went to get back up but my neck was grabbed by krogan.

"What should we do with her"? He looked at viggo.

"Tie her up". Viggo did a proud smile.

Krogan carried me to a post grabbing my sword and dagger then throwing it to the side, my arms were tied around the pole and my feet were tied together.

"When I get out of these ropes"! I struggled.

"What will you do". Krogan crouched down next to me.

"I will get Johan to... well I don't know but i will make you pay for it"!

"Our prisoner seems to be a nuisance lets keep her quiet". Viggo grabbed a cloth placing it in my mouth.

They both walked off leaving me there just to sit and not talk! Idiots I swear their actaul idiots. The I noticed some hunters walking towards me thank god for some help.

"Watcha doing girly"? Òne of the hunters crouched down to me.

"Mhhm". I muffled.

"Ah I see". He chuckled.

He placed his hand under my chin, then kissed me on the forehead.

"Ehm". Viggo faked coughed.

"Oh sir I was just helping yn". The hunter turned around instantly.

"If that so". Viggo walked infront of the hunter.

Viggo took the cloth out of my mouth.

"He kissed me on the forehead"! I rustled against the ropes.

Viggo gave a look at the hunter then punched him in the face throwing him off the boat.

"Woah didn't know you could be that aggressive "? I chuckled.

"Its assault". He untied me.

I gave him a smile before looking at the island we were sailing to wait isn't this...

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