Part 60

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Few weeks later

I stared at the broken masses and talons piece maybe Johan was wrong...

"Moring dear". Viggo kissed me on the forehead.

"Morning honey". I smiled at him.

"Come here". He hugged me tight.

"You big baby". I giggled.

He smiled then passionately kissed me on the lips after a while we pulled away for air going back, we then went onto the bed and cuddled it was nice to be in his arms again I don't know what I would do without him.

"I need to discuss something rather important". I felt viggo's cheeks burm up.

"What Is it"? I layed my head onto his chest.

"I will tell you later but why don't we get ready for the party"? He cupped my cheek.

"Okay then...but promise your not breaking up with me".

"I would never do such a thing". He puts both of our noses against each other.

"Thank thor I don't know what I would do without you". I wrapped my arms around him then pulled away.

"Same for me". He got dressed.

I put on my dress leaving my hut seeing the riders fly past it must of been dragon racing but i couldn't be bothered, I went over to fleshclaw to see her sick?

"Fleshclaw"?! I rush over kneeling down.

She roared laying her head back she was exhausted... no! I looked for any wounds but there wasn't any?

I called for montary getting onto his back this was my first time riding him and I knew it wasn't going to be easy, I flew above the crowds of people seeing the dragon riders compete for the sheeps.

"HICCUP"! I flew right past him.

"I thought you weren't joining the race"? He chuckled.

"There is something wrong with fleshclaw"! I tried to keep montary straight.

His face went pale, i went off with hiccup behind me flying down into the dragons nest showing fleshclaw onto the ground. Hiccup jumped off toothless going straight to fleshclaw checking up on her.

"Is she going to be alright"? I went beside him.

"I- I don't know." He looked away ashamed.

"NO"! I went onto my knees.

"She has to be alright". I placed my arms around her neck.

"We need to get gothi". He climbed onto toothless.

"Be quick"! I mumbled.

It wasn't long till a purple gronckle landed onto the stone flooring, gothi grabbed her stick with some dust with gobber next to her.

"Please help". My voice cracked.

She nodded searching the dragon trying to find anything, I prayed hoping it wasn't anything terrible. She them got up placing the dirt on the floor and began writing, at first gobber looked confused then smiled.

"She says its common for dragons to do this is just a little cold". Gobber smiled.

"Oh... uhm yeah silly me". I wipe my tears off my face.

"Dont worry". Hiccup chuckled.

"I did the exact same when toothless was just being lazy and didn't want to fly". He put a hand on my shoulder.

Forbidden (viggo x reader) httydWhere stories live. Discover now