Part 55

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He was leaning down to my lips but I was never going to let my guard down this was probably for his plan.

"Viggo stop". I say as he nearly reached my lips.

He was taken back then got confused, he went off me brushing his shirt.

"We shall never speak of this". He eviled me.

"I will if you don't tell me where my dragons are". I sat up.

He opened his mouth to say something but he closed it again.

"Viggo tell me". My voice sounded sharp.

He shook his head this son of the bitch! I grabbed his corner pushing him against the wall nearly choking him, he tried to reach for my arm but I bashed him against the wall once more.

"I know this is apart of your plan". I gritted my teeth.

"Now you will pay". I grabbed something beside me.

"Dear remove the dagger instantly"! He tried to move away.

"Only if you tell me where my dragons are"! I push it closer to his neck.

He sighed looking at me straight into my eyes.

"They are at venance island".

I moved the dagger away from his neck then got an idea.

"You didn't answer my question, why did you do this to me". I pointed at my scars.

"Why did you lie to me? Why did you nearly kill me"? I felt my voice weaken.

"The reason why I was about to kill you, at berk there was bounty hunters and we all knew you weren't going to be safe so Johan decided it would be somewhat of a good idea". He stared at the dagger.

"Lies". I gripped harder onto my dagger.

"Then why did you betray me"? I waved it infront of his face.

"The reason why I betrayed you was that I was scared im new to this... thing I still had feelings but I just didn't know what to do I've met many girls before but you just changed me". He stuttered.

"This is apart of a sick joke". My eyes felt watery.

"I wish I truly wish I was joking but.. to be sincere with you I've always loved you whenever you began to get angry at me i knew I would never forgive myself". Viggo crossed his arms.

"I know you will never forgive me and I can understand why after the way men treat you I'm no different".

A tear rolled down my eyes viggo was just protecting me? I dropped the dagger watching it bunch off the floor the only thing that caused sound was the breeze hitting the hut, I rub the tear of my cheek.

"Viggo...". I whispered so he could bearly hear me.

"Dear i understand if you want me to leave-"

"No. I don't want you to leave". I interrupted him.

"I missed you so much". I hugged him crying into his chest.

Viggo placed a hand onto the back of my head hugging me back, I pulled away staring into his eyes I was full of tears but I didn't care.

"This doesn't mean we're back together by the way". I wipe my tears.

"Understood". He smiled.

Woo! After all of those chapters hating viggo they kinda made up sorry its short and rushed.

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