Part 35

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I soared through the sky with the baby dragon trying to fly straight as it struggled, I know I know its only a baby but we have to do this for berk! Make dad proud... make mum proud. We got got on top of the bewilderbeast going straight infront of its face distracting it slowly taking its eyes of the dragons, hiccup placed a hand for toothless that made drago laugh but little did he know.

The bewidlerbeast was distracted great! The dragons started to turn back normal so I turned my head to see toothless grab drago's staff throwing him off making the bewidlerbeast catch him. The baby dragon started to fly everywhere forcing me to slip falling off god sake!
I was falling down to the ocean with an impeccable force this would snap my bones in half! I felt a cold breeze coming from the ocean I guess this is it...


my back flanded onto a very fast object I opened my eyes to see fleshclaw, I did a little giggle before sitting straightly up on her feeling a heavy dragon land onto my back. I turned my head then montary instantly licked the side of my cheek, I rubbed his head then went diagonal into the sky making it hard for me to breath.

We did a short turn to see all of the dragons go back to their rightful owners with toothless onto a cyan ice pike. Toothless had neon blue scales I never knew he could do that! We flew back down going behind the bewilderbeast i have an idea...
Drago didn't seem convinced at all instead he kept on arguing saying he was the king of dragons idiotic no man could be the king of dragons.

I hovered over the bewilderbeast grabbing out my sword with eyes filled with fury how dare he! Nearly eneded my life it could of happened to hiccup, controlling our dragons abusing them like they are nothing this stupid mother fucker. Toothless started shooting blue neon plasma blast which were strong as a million bulls, drago felt worried scared.

"YOU WILL NEVER WIN HICCUP"! He waved his staff around.

"He already has". I stood on the bewidlerbeast tusk swinging my dagger around my finger smirking.

"Dont you ever give up"? He snarled taking a step forward.

"No". He did a stupid smile before going into a serious face.

He started to step back looking horrified, he went to grab his spear but I slid along the tusks grabbing the spear between my legs landing onto the other side. I started to spin the spear around the threw it into the ocean, I moved my head towards hiccup doing a nod. He nodded back making toothless fly onto the tusks growling about to fire, hiccup placed a hand on his head causing toothless to stop.

Hiccup got off the toothless smacking drago in the face forcing him to fall to my feet.

"It was fun knowing you drago". I grinned before lifting up my sword.

"NO-" I stabbed him into the chest.

Everyone cheered and the dragons roared with glory! I turned my feet towards the  bewidlerbeast then back to toothless, the both dragons roared sounding like a negotiation. Then toothless flew off the tusk with me and hiccup on him onto the spikes, wd both climbed off seeing toothless doing a massive roar making the dragons bow down to him.

It wasn't long until fleshclaw and montary decided to join in the bowing and so did the vikings toothless was kign off dragons... well I was proud at him i lifted my head to look at toothless in the eyes doing a proud smile, he popped out a tongue then licked me and hiccup making us laugh.

"THE KING OF DRAGONS RETURNS"! Hiccup waves his hands in the air.

"HORRAY"! All of the vikings shouted.

Fleshclaw ran up to me brushing her entire body against me making me slightly trumble, hiccup and toothless walked down the spikes to be greeted by gothi. She then dipped her old wrinkly finger into a stone pot placing them onto hiccups forehead making a little symbol of honour, everyone cheered again then I saw hiccup talk to Astrid I loved seeing them together I swear their soul mates.

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