Part 26

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Drago gave me look before turning away I knew I fucked up, viggo woke up looking confused as I was. My entire body was shaking I just felt breaking down but I had to keep my tears away they can't see me weak.

We then were pulled against the chains forced to kneel down infornt of where he stood, it was a disgusting air it didn't smell nice aswell the moisture was something else.

"Who are you"? He stood up looking down on us.

He gave the hunters a look, the hunters pulled mine and viggo's hair placing knifes infront of our necks.

"Nobody important". I push my neck away from the knife.

"Then your life won't mean anything for me". Drago swung a axe at our faces.

We quickly move away making the axe cut our chains, I kicked a hutner in the knee caps making a click sound. I used hid spear to undo the chains while viggo did the same, I went into my fighting stance looking around making sure no one was about to attack us. Drago grabbed his weapons charging at us but I slid under him freeing fleshclaw, motnary then started to fire his Amber at the hunters Arms making it impossible to fire at us or attack.

Viggo freed snaptriller but fleshclaw had extra chains I tried to hurry but I couldn't! Drago grabbed my shoulder throwing me to the ground, he then smacked his weapon at montary making him go to viggo. Viggo got onto snaptriller but the moment he saw he me viggo was about to prtoec me but I knew it would kill him.

"Viggo go i will catch up"! I quickly saw turning to drago.

"Dear you won't survive"! He grabbed his sword.

"I will please go"! I back away from drago.

"Yn im not leaving you"!

"Go"! I grabbed dragos staff then smakced it harshly against a piece of wood making snaptriller fly of with viggo on him.

Montary also went with viggo as he was knocked out, great ... im so screwed. I tried to ran past but I hit my head on a pole knocking me out FUCKING GREAT YN! I woke up feeling cold water on my face which instantly opened my eyes to see im nearly into the sea.

I started to panick rustling against the ropes, a boat was coming in which I eviled it was a man with a yellowish jacket he had black hair and some tatters, I looked down in the water to see bubble underneath me? I'm don't remember any water dragons which prefer the cold, I tried to look for fleshclaw but she was no where god what are doing with her?

The man with the yellowish jacket spoke loudly and I was right that was drago they seemed to be capturing dragons to create a army but what for? The hunters untied me but then pulled me back to drago where the guy stood he was about my age, he gave me a weird look as I stared at him atleast im not making a army stupid bitch.

"Who is she"? The guy stood next to me.

"She seemed to be a rider but her friends got away". Drago grabbed his staff.

"Theres more?"

"Quiet"! Drago walked up to me.

He slapped me around the face before bending down to me.

"How many are there"?

"I don't know". I looked away.

"Thats not a answer"! He pushed my head.

He grabbed a spear which one of the hunters were holding then pushed it against my neck.

"Go on". He slightly pushed harder.


"RAGH"! He shouted.

I was scared, frightened this guy could easily kill me with just a punch. I had to be careful of what I say viggo was right I won't survive. Drago was a chaotic man there wouldn't be a minute before he screams or wack something, it was tiring all I could think about is my dragons and viggo I just want him to save me.

Viggo pov

Montary clipped onto my back while snaptriller flew fast as he could above to clouds, I was so worried for yn I hope she will stay alive until I get the others. I got to the edge immediately to see hiccup and others standing outside talking I suppose, snaptriller was exhausted from the flight so the moment we landed he fell asleep.

"You"! Astrid held onto her axe.

"I afraid that something terrible has came upon us"! I got off snaptriller.

"Was it you arriving". Snotlout rolled his eyes.

"No its dear yn she has been captured".

"How do we know your not lying". Fishlegs stepped forward.

I took montary of my back placing him in my arms.

"A hunter called drago none like other valka sai-" I got interrupted.

"Valka"?! Hiccup let his words escape from his mouth.

"Yes but I afraid drago has taken yn and fleshclaw, I suppose they aren't going to make it". I place montary on my back.

"Lets go". Hiccup rushed onto toothless.

Astrid and snotlout gave me a dirty look before getting onto their dragons but before I left snaptriller snored then fell asleep he must of been tired. I patted his head comforting him.

"You can ride with me but no funny business". Hiccup gave me a evil grin.

"I appreciate it". I got onto hiccup placing my hands onto his shoulders

Hours of directing to the cave we came to but since we got knocked out I didn't know where drago were but valka should, Astrid kept giving me looks everytime I got close to hiccup she still doesn't trust me stupid girl...

They were so memorised by the nature and cave we came to, a roar came from behind there we saw cloudjumper and valka.

"My dear friend valka yn has gotten into drago's grasp"!

"I told her not to get close to the ships"! She came off the wall.

"M-mum". Hiccup stuttered.

Valka took of her helmet to see her face stunned seeing hiccup after all of these years, she placed a hand on her mouth and a tear rolled down her eye. She immediately hugged hiccup and he hugged back I wish I had kids...

"I can't believe its you". She played with his hair.

"Where did you go"? Hiccup's eyes began to become watery.

"I will explain later". She placed a hand on her shoulder before turning to me.

"We need to prepare". She got out her staff.

"For what"? Tuffnut looked at her confused.

"Drago". She breathed in heavily.

She looked at us all before darting her eyes to the ground.

"He is making a dragon army to wipe out everyone". She lifted up her head.

"But yn". I muttered.

"She will be there as bait we will save her don't worry. But for now we need to prepare".

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