Part 54

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It was soon I could tell i was going to become a lycan wing how will I return to berk? How will I survive? Most important where am I being taken to? All I remember was trying to eat ryker then viggo got in the way making me faint I do hope he won't kill me but those words 'you will pay' sends shivers down my spine and when a grimborn says that it obviously didn't meant a good thing.

The heat shined on me forcing me to wake up, I was lycan wing no doubt but something felt different? I sniffed the air smelling blood, I touched my back feeling my wings were gone... I didn't like the wings obviously but it was pure agony I felt. I move my hand towards my head seeing it covered in blood...viggo has removed my wings, seeing my hands covered in blood was gruesome till I noticed the scales on my arms!

They were plucked out leaving deep holes into my skin how could I trust that guy? I touched my cheeks feeling just blood, this is why I didn't trust viggo he was a deadly man he would do anything for anything.

"NO"! I cried putting my head to the ground.

Tears rolled down my cheeks, my mouth expanded I whimpered in pain crying and crying, fleshclaw and montary were gone aswell they manipulated me! Johan viggo krogan, ryker teased me like some type of toy! I wasn't worth anything to them not like I did before anyways, this was just their plan. I wouldn't stop breaking down in the middle of the forest all of my dragons gone who knew what they would do to them!!

My wings, scales would be priceless that's why viggo was so kind to me just to lure me into his trap so he could just get a few more coins in his pockets, there was no way to get out of here there wouldn't even be any cure I was doomed. Despite the fact I was dizzy of blood loss, I held onto a tree next to me with eyes filled with water.


That was a nadder noise? I turned to see stormfly not so far off tilted her head at me then seeing Astrid climbing off her. I panicked I moved away from the tree but I was stopped by snotlout who had a surprised face, my legs weakened I was still crying snotlout helped me get back up comforting me.

"What happened"? Snotlout moved my hands away from my teary eyes.

"What are all of these scars"? He examined them.

"Please don't look at me". I turn away embrassed.

"Yn." A one legged boy appeared.

"Hiccup go". I cover myself once me.

"Did Johan and the hunters do this to you"? He placed a hand on my shoulder.

I didn't reply but all I did was look at him in the eyes as a sign of yes.

"I swear"-! Hiccup clenched his fists.

"Hiccup its not time for revenge we just need yn back at berk to gothi". Eret interrupted him.

Hiccup glanced at him knowing he was right, all we need was the cheif back at berk alive to take care of the people.

"Where is her dragons"? Snotlout looked around.

"We didn't see them i think they might of got captured". Hiccup bent down to my level.

"Lets get yn back". Eret helped me up.

I was placed on suncut slowly cry as the breeze harden my eyes, I shouldn't just let my guard down I've had enough being betrayed multiple times then being used I swear I could just give up. I closed my eyes they were sore.

I was only a child a young stupid minded child well that's what my mum used to call me but Johan said it was only teasing, I was in the arena playing with my dagger like some type of toy. Till the soon to be cheif of berk was being carried by stoick the vast, he used to be so nice to me although whenever the boy was born I was ignored thrown away.

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