Part 14

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I woke to feel my body ache, must of been the fight I had yesterday. I move my arm backwards then forwards trying to ease up the pain but it was no use,I got up from my bed brushing my hair then walking out of the tent. I hastily walked over to the medical hut to see krogan who was shirtless getting his bandages done, he furrowed his eyebrows before looking at away.

"How might i help you"? A hunter came up to me.

"I have a wound on my arm i just wanted it to get bandaged up". I smiled before sitting down.

The hunter grabbed some cloth before coming over to me, he lifted up my sleeve dapping the cloth gently onto my arm. He grabbed a bandage then wrapped it around my arm causing some pain. He placed my sleeve back down then walked off, I stood up from the chair then got out of the tent.
It was a pretty hectic day as we had to be urgent to attack the edge, the moment krogan was done healing we took flight.

Krogan, viggo were on the same red singetail but the thing about the singetail it was massive compared to every single one it must be a titan. The ride was boring not like it used to be with the riders, hiccup and Astrid having their little lovers talk the twins making funny jokes aswell snotlout accidently slipping off his dragon neck or setting himself on fire. Fishlegs, me would just talk about story's or tales aswell facts that no one really ever knew... yn why are you thinking about the riders?! I can't be serious they lied made me look like a fool. I did a loud sigh trying to keep back my frustration.

"Angry i suposse don't blame you". A riders flew next to me.

"I don't wish to speak to anyone right". I looked at the rider.

"Not even spite lout"? He lifted his helmet slightly so I can just see his face.

"Spite lout what are you doing here"?! I whispered.

"To save you silly". He laughed.

"You came alone! What a stupid move". I rolled my eyes.

"Actaully". He looked at the orher riders.

As they lifted up their helmets i saw the other riders which were kept at berk.

"Now lets get you out of here".

I looked at him then turned away.

"Im not leaving".

"What do you mean laddie"? He mocked my voice.

"Im not going back to berk now go before they notice who you are". I gave spite lout a stern look.

"This is no time for jokes". He flew closer.

I moved my hand under my skirt grabbing my sword.

"Go"! I shouted at spitelout causing the other riders to look at us.

Krogan turned his dragon around to look at me with a grin.

"Go i said"! I shouted at him.

Spitelout looked at me in fear before flying away with the singetail so did the berk riders.

However krogan, viggo didn't care that half of their flyers were fake and they just acted like nothing happened weird? We came across an island which was fearly close to the edge, all of the untrained dragons were exhausted and collapsed the moment we landed poor dragons.

"Get the fire starting". Krogan got off his dragon.

I grabbed something from my chest the one and only diary, I opened the page to my most recent ones. Then I began writing.

Dear dairy

Sorry I haven't been writing in a while I have some important news, I've became one of the hunters but don't worry I don't kill dragons I just work with them to deafet the riders which I despise taking about.

Forbidden (viggo x reader) httydWhere stories live. Discover now