Part 15

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Hiccups pov

After a long flight me and the gang needed some rest, toothless was slowing down aswell his heart beat. I hopped off to be instantly greeted by my dad.

"Hiccup"! He hugged me.

"Hey dad". I pull away trying not to close my eyes.

"Where's yn her husband is waiting for her right now"? Hiccup looked at the gang.

"Well umm about that...". I rubbed the back of my head.

"She kind of ran away because we told her to go get married". I awkwardly laughed.

"WHAT"! He shouted.

"Dad i can explain"! I tried to calm him down.

"What am I meant to tell her husband"!? Stoick paced around.

"Try to stall him we will find yn"! I instantly ran to him.

"But you don't understand its today! I need time to think this"! Stoick angrily walked off.

I stood there embarrassed infront of the entire gang, I slightly turned my head around but I was to ashamed.

"Ouch". Tuff got of his dragon..

"Stoick just is surprised that's all". Astrid places a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah... surprised ". I gave her a weak smile.

The others have gone by now so I decided to go to the cliff, there was a sunset but it was purple ish pink , we bearly saw these during the winter so I made most of my time then I heard a twig snap I instantly turned my head around to see it was Astrid.

"Oh what a surprise". I sarcastically roll my eyes.

"We will find her". Astrid sat down next to me.

"But what if we don't? What if she has died or she got corrupted"! I blurted out.

"Yn... she is complicated she can take care of herself easily I've seen her fight and its remarkable". I she slightly nudged me to reassure me.

"I know but she gets carried away when she is angry so what is she joins the hunters"! I stressed.

"Yn. She wouldn't do that". Astrid chuckled.

"But she would". I looked up at Astrid.

She looked at me back knowing exactly what i mean, Astrid then frowned looking below the cliff then to the horizon.

"Then we will get her change her mind". Astrid went closer.

"Astrid you know yn she is the hardest to convince". I looked up to the sky.

"Yes I've know her for a long time but she will come to her senses". She rested her head onto my shoulder.

I smiled at her then leaned in kissing her on the lips, Astrid was hesitaten at first but kissed back. Then pulled away for air.

"I should head back". She placed a kiss on my forehead.

I wanted Astrid leave, I stood up from the grass then walked through the village trying to get my thoughts of my father has just said to me, I darted my eyes to the ground before bumping into someone.

"Someone still upset about stoick"? Snotlout grinned.

".....your father doesn't love you". Snotlout pushed me slightly.

"Go away snotlout". I kept my head down.

"Mhm". He looked at me in disbelief then walked off.

I went to my hut which my dad was not to be seen. Thank god I thought to myself I ran to my room to see my desk still full of papers, I quickly wiped them off causing my room to be in a utter mess. I grabbed a pen, new sheet of paper then let my mind wonder, I needed to think of a way to find yn or message her! After hours of thinking, my mind being soar I decided to give up for the time being.

I went out of my hut to instantly being jumped by toothless.

"Hey bud"! I laughed as he licked me.

Toothless started to wag his tail like crazy, I noticed all of the vikings going into the great hall must of been a feast. The moment I entered I saw a young man maybe a few years older than me must of been yn's husband i thought to myself, then a younger lady stood up making a toast.

"I yn would make a toast of being married"! She smiled.

Ofcourse... that is a horrible plan, I rolled my eyes before flying on toothless. By now the night has awoken so it was time for our night flight, it was calm and peaceful watching the ravens fly past were something else aswell being splashed by water. But I just couldn't take my mind of yn I care About her i shouldn't of made up those lies I should of just told the truth!

We came to my hut, I noticed my dad was already inside but I couldn't be bothered to speak to him right now, I picked up my pace as I walked by then went to bed.

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