Part 25

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"Who is drago"? I looked at both of them.

"Drago was a dragon hunter unlike the others he would forcefully attack them forcing them to do his bidding controlling them abusing he is just horrible". Valka walked over to a cliff.

"Uhh valka what are those white spikes in the fog"? I followed her to the cliff.

She started to wave her staff around causing the dragons to fly about, the spike started to MOVE!? I step back a bit watching them slowly come closer to us then right infront of us the dragon rose from the fog it was a bewilder beast I never seen one before only in the book of dragons! Fleshclaw and snaptiller immediately bowed their heads and we do the same.

"Wow". I say as words leave my mouth.

"The last of her kind". Valka places a hand on her spikes.

"Now who's hungry"? Valka turned to me and viggo.

Fleshclaw and montary mouths open with their tongues stick out, we got onto our dragons flying out to the open sea. Many dragons followed us which was remarkable I saw something move into the water which caught my eye however bubbling started to appear. Fish flew everything with the bewilder beast coming up from the sea throwing out fish from its mouth.

Montary instantly got off my back and began flying.

"That amaz-" fleshclaw immediately went down.

I heard the others laugh there were dragons everywhere looking like little puppies fleshclaw instantly had a bunch of fish in her mouth before diving into to the water, I saw the dragon looking directly at me before blowing some mist in my face I laughed before coming out of the water.

Fleshclaw and montary were having the time of their lives flying fast do spins and rolls aswell talking to other dragons, we landed on a snowy piece of land. Fleshclaw and montary has never seen snow before and it was absolutely hilarious, the dragons would lick ice and get it on their tongues trying to get it off.

We watched the dragons play before valka decided to talk again.

"So how's hiccup"? She crossed her arms.

"Good". I kick the snow.

"Stoick"? She turned towards me.

Viggo gave valka the look to not talk about it, valka when silent and so did the rest of us.

"RAWRH"! Fleshclaw comes flying in my face.

I quickly moved out of the way laughing.

"So how did you find this place". Valka got onto cloud jumper.

"We were running away". I mounted fleshclaw.

"From what"?

"Stoick". Viggo interrupted to the conversion.

Valka opened her mouth before closing it again she knew I was pissed, we took flight to the air before seeing some ships. But they weren't the normal ones we used to see the ships were advanced alot of weapons armoury that we didn't have on berk, the flags were red with a symbol with  a spear going to a dragons head thru aren't probably the most welcoming people.

"Who are they". I shouted trying to catch my voice in the wind.

"Drago's men". Valka waved her staff around.

"Lets go in". I started to fly towards the ship but valka stopped me.

"Its to dangerous we have to head back".

I turned away before flying away with valka why didn't we end them? The way we rushed through the air made everything feel so alive aswell the amount of dragons I have never seen so many at one all of the spices and not even getting blasted off or clawed on the back! We all hid back into the cave meeting the king/queen of dragons again.

I loved it here and I wanted to see so much more! Montary clipped hard onto my back getting ready to swoop down into the fog it was a slight cold breeze, I let it run through my fingers causing my arm to have goosebumps then did a few rolls around the massive green plants. I wish berk or the edge had these types of plants... then i flew with the other dragons around the spiral it was magnificent I even saw some crystals in there!

I looked at my reflecting before climbing onto different dragons without them even being bothered what a change? I jumped off rumble horn falling down, I saw a vast shadow underneath the fog must of been the king of dragons. Montary caught me flying back up to the other dragons some of the even got confused and started to sniff my wings, I landed back onto the grass next to fleshclaw.

"Wish we found this place sooner". I hugged her.

"Indeed". Viggo came next to me.

"Indeed". I mocked him.

He gave me a smirk before placing a arm around me, he pulled me into his chest making me hug him.

"Okay you flirt". I laughed before placing a gentle kiss on his cheek.

"So what shall we do now"? He started to play with my hair.

"Live here for the rest of our lives till we get old".

He raised an eyebrow.

"Lets go sink some ships". I pulled away before climbing onto fleshclaw.

"Thought you will never ask". He mounted snaptriller.

We got out of the cave without valka recognising, the ships shouldn't of got to far so we will be able to catch up just in time. It was a cold air making my nose go all red my hands were numb and I felt my toes were going to fall off ah we found the ships! We swooped down enough so they couldn't see us I gave montary some hand signals before he flew up pretending to be hurt.

"Whats wrong little buddy got an injured leg"? I heard a hunter.


We instantly flew up casting the wind to push them off their backs, then fleshclaw did her spine short before firing. The hunters ran in agony god that must of hurt... we got everyone into the water knowing damn well that would kill them the water was horrible and freezing. We cleared out the dragons from under neath before flying out with them till I got shot with an arrow!

"YN"! Viggo shouted.

Everything hurts my back hurts just everything! His voice was blurry I couldn't understand it till everything just went pitch black, I felt myself falling and falling please viggo save me.

"RARRH RAAHH"! A man in a black cloak shouted.

I looked around to see myself in a pair of chains, so was viggo? Oh god why did I force him to follow me... there were hunters?! But they had a polar bear head it must of been for some sort of disguise the man was furious angry, till I heard a familiar roar it was fleshclaw's . I peeked my head slowly to see her in chains tied to something with a nuzzle on she had scars none other poor girl...

The way she was treated made me wanting to cry why why why! I guessed that the guy in the black cloak was drago he did sound like what valka told me, there were other dragons there just like fleshclaw however they already have given up or they just dead?! I tried to relax myself but I couldn't viggo was still asleep i guess the sleeping works pretty good on him, I saw drago hit fleshclaw making me move trying to get to her but that only made things worse.

Drago looked at me before stepping on fleshclaw I couldn't speak I just couldn't maybe I was weak? Pathetic would of been the right words please help us

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