Part 64

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I lowered my hand taking flight with everyone behind me, it was still dark and hard to see in but we still managed.

Time skip

The skys were clear again and only a few clouds were seen in the sky, the sheep sometimes made noise everytime a dragon got near however something caught my eye.

"The light fury"! Astrid went forward.

"She came back"! Astrid smiled.

"Lets go see her bud"! Toothless went further up in the sky.

Toothless went into the clouds then went out into the open.

"Well look who decided to sho-" hiccup got thrown off the lightfury.

"AHHHH"! He screeched.

Toothless slightly jerked back chasing after hiccup, hiccup grabbed onto toothless rising up again.

"Not a word". He furrowed his brows.

Everyone laughed whislt hiccup just kept quiet, I went higher up into the sky doing some tricks. However a dragon swooshed straight passed making me stop instantly to see a 4 winged dragon and a women smirking at me, I slowly shook my head in amusement.

"Your it"! Valka laughed as she went up.

"Ohh that's how you want to play"! I laughed following after her.

She went straight into the clouds but that wasn't going to stop me, oh shit. I was out in the open looking at the clouds around me there was no sight of valka or cloudy, we kept turning around and no sight.


Cloud jumper went straight above me causing my hair to go infront of my face making it notty.

"Thats it"! I chuckled going straight at her.

Fleshclaw flapped her wings harshly going above cloudy gripping onto valka pulling her off her dragon.

"Your it"! I leaned forward smirking at her.

"I won't give you a head start". I carefully placed valka back onto cloudy.

Time skip

It was mid day and of course everyone began starting to get annoyed and anxious, like every viking so many needed the toilet already?! There stood a massive vast island it was tall as!

"We need a break". Ruff moaned.

"Fine I guess we could take a quick break". I groaned.

"Potty break"! Fishlegs called out.

We all went up high landing onto the island and oh my thor it was beautiful.

"Im building my hut here"! Snotlout stabbed his axe into the ground.

"We aren't building huts"! I protested.

"Yn how do we even know if the hidden world exist? Why don't we stay here for now just incase". Astrid came into the conversation.

"Fine, we can stay here for now but don't get angry if I say we are moving tomorrow". I grunted.

Time skip

The sun has set and the villagers gathered around the massive bonfire did we just really leave berk? The place i was meant to protect take care I just forced everyone to leave and my wedding!

"You alright dear"?Viggo put his hands on my waist.

"Yeah just thinking that's all". I forced a smile.

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