The Great mystery of who awaits at the door (Fluff and Smut)

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When the door finally opens wide, their eyes widen just as much as the door. It is something...rather someone they were definitely not expecting.

"Johnathan?!" They all exclaim in shock.

Johnathan steps into the house, going to close the door behind him. After what happened with Will Johnathan realized he had to go somewhere far away for awhile, plus he still had plans for college so he travelled to a school in Iowa who accepted him and would be willing to help him start a career in photography. It was hard, Joyce was worried for him because he was honestly a wreck when he left, he still wasn't processing Will's death along with the rest of them, but it just hit harder for him. He assured Joyce he was fine, he decided to call things off with Nancy and just leave, and that was the last time anyone saw him.

Eleven is first to run to him and hug him tightly. Johnathan hugs her back just as tightly, her feet no longer touching the floor. "I've missed you." Eleven whispers, Johnathan going to put her down.

"I've missed you too." Johnathan says, giving a smile to El while rustling her hair. "Nice hair."

Eleven smiles. "How is college? In Iowa?"

"It's good, in fact I brought you back something." Johnathan says, going to look in his bag and take out a small snow globe and hand it to El. She takes it carefully, looking inside of it to see little white snowflakes flowing inside of the globe, little houses and a lighthouse inside of it as well. "It's a snow globe, shake it." Eleven goes to shake it, seeing the snowflakes more evidently flowing inside of the globe. She looks at the object in awe, never seeing something so beautiful before.

"It's beautiful." Eleven says, smiling up at Johnathan. "Thank you."

Johnathan smiles, looking up to see Joyce smiling at him, tears evident in her eyes. He goes over to Joyce, hugging her tightly. "How did-when did you..." Joyce tries to say.

"We wanted to surprise you." Johnathan mentions while glancing at Hopper. Hopper smiles, nodding at Johnathan. Joyce hugs Johnathan tightly, giving him a kiss on his cheek.

"It's nice to see you man." Mike mentions, them giving a quick hug to one another. He does the same for Dustin and Lucas as well, turning towards Max.

"Wow." Johnathan mentions, smiling at Max. Max smiles, going to give him a hug. "It's nice to see you back."

"It's nice to see you back too, we miss you." Max says.

Johnathan nods, giving a small smile. "I missed you all too. It's good to see you back smiling too..." Johnathan mentions to Lucas while lightly slapping his shoulder in a friendly manner. "...he was just as wrecked as I was when you were in coma, he never left your side." Johnathan says.

Max smiles as she looks at Lucas, going to lay her head on his shoulder. Lucas goes to lightly kiss her forehead, leaning his head on hers.

Johnathan looks over at Steve and Nancy, seeing them already looking at him. "Hey guys." Johnathan says, waving his hand at them.



Both Steve and Nancy wave at him while greeting him at the same time. They were shocked to say the least, Johnathan left in a hurry and none of them have seen him for the past three years.

"Nants." Johnathan says, motioning his head for her to follow him. Nancy looks at Steve before she follows him to the hallway of the stairs. "It's's good to see you again." Johnathan mentions, going to put his hands in his pockets.

Nancy smiles. "It's good to see you too Johnathan."

They stay silent for a minute, because truly it is awkward. It did hurt Nancy when he just left, Nancy knew that he was hurting after Will but he wouldn't let anyone in, he just decided to up and leave. That hurt Nancy because she didn't feel wanted, and Steve made her feel like she was wanted.

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