Coming for Closure (Fluff and Angst)

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The sleep was more peaceful Lucas thought it would be, the chill made the covers much more warmer, the pillows seem more soft. Lucas can definitely say that tonight he actually got a good sleep, and the best thing about it the same nightmare didn't come to haunt him. He didn't realize that talking about it would have such a good effect, he knows he should have done it sooner.

He slowly lets his eyes open, only leaving them half lidded. He lets his hand feel the other end of the bed, not feeling Max there. Lucas opens his eyes fully, looking to see that Max was not in bed. His heart begins to beat faster, all of these different thoughts going in his mind. He knows he is being paranoid but Lucas can't help himself, he almost lost Max forever and he cannot loose her again, he cannot go through that again.

His worries are soon faded away when Max makes her way to the room. "Good you're finally awake." Max says, holding a tray of food and closing the door shut with her foot. She makes her way to the bed, a small light smile plastered on her face. "I brought breakfast." Max states, going to sit the tray of food on Lucas lap. "Pancakes, three pieces of bacon and eggs with pepper and a little bit of syrup." Max says, going to sit besides Lucas, leaning her back on the headboard.

Lucas sits up, smiling while he goes to lean his back on the headboard as well. "Thank you Max, it smells good." Lucas says, going to grab his fork and his knife.

"You're welcome...we'll I didn't make it but...still." Max says. Lucas looks over at Max, scrunching up his eyebrows while looking at Max, he even tilts his head a little. "What?" Max questions.

"You're up before me...your smiling, and you brought me breakfast in bed?"

"Well first off it's past eleven, you slept in." Max starts, grabbing a strawberry and eating one. "Plus I just, I don't know...wanted to do something nice."

"This wouldn't be about last night no? About you feeling guilty?" Lucas questions.

Max looks down just a little. "No." Max says, looking at Lucas for a little bit. "Okay maybe it is a little but not most of it!"


"Yeah I know I know I don't need to feel guilty and bring you breakfast in bed because there is no reason..."

"Would you just let me talk woman?" Lucas smiles.

Max rolls her eyes while she smiles. "Fine, I guess you can talk."

Lucas goes to take her hand, kissing her hand softly while looking at her. "Thank you." Lucas says softly, giving her a soft smile. Max smiles, lightly looking down while she begins to play with Lucas fingers. "But!"

"Oh my goodness!" Max drags out while she lays down on the bed dramatically. Lucas laughs, putting the tray on the nightstand before hugging Max tightly, showering her face with light kisses. Max laughs, holding his shoulders while he does so. "Lucas we...we have to get....No don't tickle me!" Max laughs, giggling even while Lucas goes tickles her. "Stop!" Max continues to laugh, her face beginning to turn red.

Lucas props himself up to look at Max, just taking a moment to look at her and smile. Her smile always brightens up his day, feeling like a sun is replacing his heart because his hearts rays of sunshine whenever she smiles, when her smile  meets her face, letting Lucas know she is truly happy.

"What?" Max asks after some time.

Lucas shakes his head while he smiles. "It's you, it's just always been you, ever since I first saw you."

Max looks away a little while smiling, feeling a light blush creep onto her cheeks. She looks at Lucas, seeing him slowly lean in closer, licking his lips. Max leans in closer as well, about to put her lips on-

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