Fun and Games (Fluff all around)

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"Okay we have to be real quiet okay?"


"It's good I have you with me otherwise mommy would probably slap me for scaring her."

"Mommy slaps you?"

"Only when I'm bad."

"Okay on three."




"THREE!" Max booms out, her jumping off from the bed and going to tackle Amberlee and Lucas down on the bed, them hovering above her.

"Ah mommy got us!" Amberlee giggles.

"Yeah I heard you both talking, trying to scare me while I'm asleep." Max says.

"Danget!" Lucas says. "I was going to rub this feather on you." He shows the feather.

"Where did you get a feather?" Max questions.

"From the feather store." Lucas smiles.

"Mommy mommy Daddy said we would be doing bowling and mini golf!" Amberlee mentions excitedly.

"I know." Max smiles while sitting up more. "You ready for it? Since it is your first time playing?"

"Yes!" Amberlee cheers.

"Okay first let's eat some breakfast then we can get ready." Lucas mentions.

After they get done eating breakfast Max goes to help Amberlee bathe before she goes to help her put on her purple shorts and her purple shirt sleeved shirt with a butterfly on it and her small shoes, Amberlee brushing her teeth while Max goes to brush through her hair before putting it up in a high neat bun. "Okay sweetie me and Daddy are going to get cleaned up." She says while taking Amberlee off the stool. "Ask Daddy to turn you on some cartoons while we get ready."

"Okay." Amberlee says, her going over to the room.

Max goes to grab some clothes before she goes back in the bathroom, her going to turn on the shower water and get in, her letting her head go back a little, letting the weight of the water make her hair a little bit heavy.

She hears the door to the bathroom close and the shower door open, hands going to the sides of her waist. Max leans on Lucas while her eyes are closed, her running her hand through her hair.

"I saw your little outfit on the counter." Lucas says in her ear. "Are you up to mischief?"

"No." Max smiles, her leaning on him more.

Lucas hums, Max's arms slowly going around his neck, her looking at him over her shoulder. He gives her a soft peck on her lips, Max returning the peck with a smile.

"But...." Max trails off with a smile. "If I was up to mischief?"

"Then you will get a repeat of the night before last." He tells her.

Max hums while her eyes close, feeling how his hands slowly trail down her wet body. One of his hands slowly goes to her neck, his hand going around it in a firm but not forceful manner as he goes to kiss her. Max sighs in content while kissing him back, her going to turn around to face him while still keeping her lips on his, him pulling her closer.

Max hums softly while pulling away. "Our daughter is waiting for us to get out."

"You make things so hard sometimes." He mentions.

Max winks at him in response, her going to shave before washing her hair and bathing, both of them doing their normal routine before leaving out of the shower. Max goes to moisturize and blow dry her hair before brushing it out, moisturizing herself as well before she puts her hair up in a neat donut bun at the top of her head, putting on her silver hanging earrings before she puts on her yellow high rise floral shorts with black flower patterns, showing off her belly button piercing and smooth skin.

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