Loopholes (MMMMMMM)

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Ding ding ding

Ding ding ding

Ding ding ding

Max goes to turn off the alarm, her wiping her eyes a little while she stretches out her legs and her going to stretch out her arms as well.

She looks at the other side of the bed, not seeing Lucas there. That is when she hears the shower water going, her going to sit up and strip herself down and make her way inside of the bathroom, her going to brush her teeth and wash her face before going to walk down the hallway of the shower and rounding the corner, seeing Lucas standing there with his back turned to her bathing himself.

Max smiles, her going over to him and wrapping her arms around him, leaning the side of her head on his back, feeling how warm he is.

Lucas kisses her hand, him looking over his shoulder a little bit before he turns around to face her, him going to hug her. She smiles while hugging him back, her closing her eyes when he gives soft kisses down her neck. "When we get back home today I'm going to just hug and kiss you and tell you how much I love you."

Max smiles more from the words while her eyes are closed. "I'd like that."

Lucas pulls away softly, him going to slowly stroke her cheek. "Thank you, for talking to me."

Max nods her head with a smile, her lightly tilting it while looking at him. "So what's on your mind?"

"I forget how observant you are." Lucas states. "I told her I would give her her level of independence. And I will I just...it's not her Max, it truly isn't I trust her."

"It's just him." Max finishes for him. "Lucas you promised her you would give her that level of independence."

"I know, I know."

"Then find another Avenue, to where that promise isn't broken." Max tells him. "Sometimes when you make a promise you have to make sure that promise has a...loophole you can tie the knot through."

Lucas thinks about it for a moment, him going to nod his head. "It's not like I can watch her so much I'm working while she is in her classes."

"Then find another Avenue." Max tells him. "You'll figure it out."

Lucas nods, both of them beginning to bathe.

Amberlee gets done bathing, her drying off and moisturizing before putting on a purple skinny legged jumpsuit that she buttons up at the top and adjust the collars at, her putting on her purple high top sneakers. She goes to let her bone straight hair down her back, putting some of it in a ponytail behind her back and putting on her mascara and lip gloss and perfume and jewelry, her grabbing her bag after she is done.

"Morning sweetie." Max greets when Amberlee makes her way inside of the kitchen, her being sat on one of the stools drinking her tea while everyone else is at the dining room.

"Good morning." Amberlee responds, her going to put some breakfast on her plate.

"Mom today is talent day where we show our talent can I use my powers?" Sarah questions from the table.

"No Sarah you can't." Mike shakes his head.

"But it's my talent." Sarah pouts.

"Your powers is apart of you Sarah, which we already talked and agreed powers won't be used at school." Eleven tells her softly. "Think about your other talents. You are becoming really good at doing makeup...."

"She is?" Amberlee whispers, Max just smiling while slapping her arm.

"And you know how to make a crowd laugh." Eleven adds in.

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