How the Villain was made (Fluff and BB energy)

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BB being Bad Bitch, or Bitches, as you all will later see ;).


"Just give me five minutes!" Max says, her and Eleven both being in the car, the thunder loud in the sky and lightening bolts lightening up the night sky, the rain heavy on the car.

"Okay." Eleven says, her in the drivers side.

Max goes to put the hoodie over her head, her getting out of the car and running over inside of the new Hawkins Post building, the copies of the recorders in her pockets. She makes her way inside, closing the door behind her. She makes her way into her office, going to put in the combination on her safe before she opens it, setting the copies of the recordings in the safe before closing it, knowing she could never go wrong with having copies.

Max goes to close her office door and lock it behind her, she is about to make her way out but she sees Nancy's office door cracked open. Max's eyebrows furrow a little, she thought Nancy was back at home. Max slowly makes her way over to the cracked door, going to slowly open it to look inside.

She sees Nancy, her trying to frantically look for something while tears roll down her face, her being wet from the rain, some of her hair sticking on her face. "Nancy?" Max questions.

Nancy jumps up to look at Max, her eyes wide. "Jesus you scared me." Nancy tries to laugh off, trying to quickly wipe away her tears. "What are you doing here?"

"I just...made copies of the recordings and put them in my safe to work on tomorrow for the article." Max responds, her hand leaning on the door. "What are you doing here?"

"I left...something here and I need to find it." Nancy responds while beginning to look around her desk.

"What did you leave? I can help you." Max says while making her way into the office.

"No it's fine go on and get home." Nancy dismisses.

Max can hear the way her voice shakes, how she begins to stress more the more she is trying to look for whatever she is looking for. "Nancy? What's going on?" Max questions while coming closer to the desk. "I mean I know with everything it's a lot've been on edge for awhile now."

Nancy wipes away her tears while looking at Max for a moment before looking back down at the drawer. "I'm good, just everything." She dismisses, putting something quickly in her purse. She quickly closes the drawer and rounds her office desk, trying to brush pass Max but Max goes to block her.

"Nancy." Max says softly. "I'm here, you know I'm right here. I know it's something." Max can see how her hands lightly shake while she holds her purse in front of her, how she lightly swallows the lump probably in her throat.

"I just...I need some time away Max." Nancy mentions after some time of silence. "Steve in the hospital brought back memories I wanted to not see again and...I just need some time."

"And that's fine Nancy, that is completely fine." Max responds softly. She goes to take Nancy's hand, putting her hands on Nancy's cold shaky hand. "What else is going on? Because I know that isn't it."

Nancy purses her lips a little, tears beginning to prickle in her eyes. "Max um..." Nancy starts, her voice shaky. "...I'm pregnant." She reveals.

Max's eyes widen in shock, her looking at Nancy's tears begin to spring free from her eyes.

"I'm pregnant and I don't even know what to do! I don't even know if Steve wants kids! I mean he did tell me that he imagined himself with kids but I don't know if he even wants to have kids now or in the future! Plus I don't even know if I want kids! I've never thought about it! I've honestly haven't! I just...I don't..." Nancy cries.

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