Try me Bitch (More suspense)

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Max looks down at the Will with a blank expression, despite how many times she read it she still cannot process it in her brain. She believes it, it is sitting right in front of her right here.

Her red puffy swollen eyes stare blankly at the piece of paper, her dried tears stained on her cheeks and her cheeks red and puffy from how hard she was crying. She is pretty sure she has cried all of her tears for today, none has come out for a long time.

She can feel the others stares on hers but she doesn't look up, she only just continues to look at the Will. Deep down she knew, she knew it was way to convenient, her Dad just conveniently shows up on her twenty first birthday. She knew it was weird, she knew it was something fishy about it but she chose to put it in the back of her mind because she wanted the father that would take her out skating everyday when she was young, hold her small hands in his big ones before letting her skate free, read stories to her at night when it was snowing outside, take her ice skating at the river that would freeze over a little ways from their house when it got cold.

Max wanted the father that she knew so desperately that she failed to see the father that she knew and the way her father was now were two different people. This person...this person she doesn't even know, and she feels stupid enough already, but more stupid because despite all of it practically being in front of her, despite all of the statements given and all of the weird questions asked and weird glances sent ways...

Max believed him.

She believed that he genuinely cared for her and he wanted to start a relationship with her, she believed that he would change and comply and try and start and build a relationship with Lucas to build a relationship with her. She believed all of his words, she believed all of his fake smiles, she believed it all even though the answers were right in front of her.

Chester only wanted Max for money, because Grandma Casey decided to give her possessions to Max for some reason Max doesn't even know. She should have known, she should have known to not put trust in someone so quickly, she doesn't know why she was so desperate to have him in her life. Maybe to fill one last void in, a void she feels missing inside of her, a void she doesn't know what it is going to take for it to be filled.

Now, now she really doesn't know what to feel. She feels anger, of course she does but the sadness weighs on her more, the disappointment weighs on her more. She just feels...worthless again. She feels like she is nothing, and those feelings begin to make certain memories plague in her mind, memories she does not want to come back.

"No! No no no!" She cries, sliding down on the floor while holding her hands against her face hard, trying to escape the harsh words.

"This is all your fault."

"You did this."

"You murderer."



"NOOOO!" She yells out from the top of her lungs. It silenced the noises. She slowly looks up, now just seeing the blank dark hallway.

Max gasp when she bumps against a body, going to turn around and she cries harder at who she sees. "You're not real, you're not real."

"Then why aren't you convinced Max?" Lucas questions, her beginning to walk back while Lucas begins to walk forward. "Why didn't you express how you feel to me? Now you will go down, with the deepest regrets." Max screams out as she is pinned against the wall by Lucas, both of his hands going around her throat. Max's eyes widen as she chokes, trying to pry his hands away from her neck. "You are nothing, you will die knowing you are nothing, knowing you are worthless, knowing that it was never you I loved, knowing that it has never been you, knowing that you don't even deserve to live!" He spits out.

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