Bubbles and Blushes (Fluff)

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Knock knock

Knock knock

Knock knock

Knock knock

Max goes to lightly slap Lucas face while her eyes are still closed. "Lucas." She says tiredly, patting his face a little. "Someone's at the door."

Lucas groans, going to take Max's hand away from his hand and place it on his chest. "Yes?" He calls out, his eyes still closed.

"Lucas? Max? Can one of you guys help me make dinner?" Eleven questions over the door. "Dustin and Suzie are too engrossed in a movie and we all know Mike can't come close to the stove."

Lucas goes to wipe his eyes a little. "Yeah I'll be down in a minute."

"Thanks." Eleven says, her footsteps being heard walking away.

Lucas looks over at the clock, seeing that it is six in the evening. "Max."

"I can't I'm sleeping." Max sheepishly says, her hands wrapping around her pillow.

"No I'm about to help El make dinner, want anything specific?" Lucas questions. He only hears Max light snores in reply, him just smiling and just deciding to let her sleep. Lucas gives a soft kiss to her cheek before he gets up, him going to pick up all of the clothes on the floor and throw it in the hamper, him putting a towel around his waist and going to grab a change of clothes before making his way out of the room.

Lucas goes in the bathroom, going to take a quick shower and moisturize and change into his sweats and simple white T shirt after he is done. He goes to make his way out of the bathroom, going to the room to grab the hamper and close the door behind him, making his way down the stairs.

"Please tell me you are helping El with dinner." Mike begs, turning his stool around when he sees Lucas walk into the laundry room.

"Yes Mike I am." Lucas replies, going to put his clothes as well as Max's in the wash.

"YEEESS! I'm so hungry and a certain two some bodies didn't want to help!" Mike directs and Suzie and Dustin who sits in the living room, their eyes concentrated on the TV.

"Shh!" They both exclaim while still looking at the TV, them both on their knees on the couch gripping a pillow.

After Lucas is done he makes his way into the kitchen, seeing Eleven begin to take out different ingredients. "Have anything specific in mind?"

"Enchiladas." Eleven mentions.

Lucas nods his head while he washes his hands, drying them off with a towel. "Chicken or beef?"

"Beef would be faster but I think we would all prefer chicken." Eleven mentions.

"Yes please Chicken." Mike agrees.

"Chicken!" Dustin yells.

"Yeah chicken!" Suzie agrees, her eyes never leaving the TV.

"Chicken it is." Lucas says. "So I'll cut up and season the chicken while you get the tortillas ready." Lucas says, Eleven nodding her head and taking the corn tortillas out of the fridge.

Mike just lays on his arms on the counter while sitting at the stool, watching Eleven and Lucas cook. He watches how Lucas effortlessly cuts the chicken and goes to season it and begin to cook it in the pan after he is done, how Eleven heats up the tortillas and getting a large rectangular aluminum container and set the tortillas at the bottom of it neatly, taking the cheese out of the fridge as well. He watches how they begin to layer it, doing three layers of gorillas chicken and cheese and enchilada sauce before they go to put it in the oven, turning it on and closing it.

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