Will? (Huh...more HMMM)

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"Anything for dessert coach?" Tyler questions after he gets done taking the plates.

"No not for me, you want any dessert?" Lucas directs at Max.

"No I'm fine." Max answers.

"And for you sir?" Tyler directs at Chester.

"Oh no I'm good thank you."

"Not a problem, so are the checks going to be together or separate?" Tyler questions.

"Oh separate..." Chester starts while feeling for his wallet. He slowly looks up at Lucas and Max, them just raising his eyebrows at him. "...think I forgot my wallet."

"It's alright, everyone always has an oopsie right? Lucky for you I am a problem solver..." Lucas says while taking out his wallet, going to hand Tyler two fifty dollar bills. "...fifty for the food the rest is for you Tyler, you earned it."

"Seriously coach?! Thank you thank you!" Tyler mentions excitedly, going to put his fifty in his pocket.

"Nice tip." Chester directs at Lucas.

"Don't I know it! You just paid my phone bill for the month." Tyler smiles.

Lucas and Max laugh. "Don't mention it, have a good night Tyler."

"Hey you too coach." Tyler says as he gives Lucas a fist bump. "Bye Max."

"Bye Tyler." Max responds with a smile.

"And good day sir." Tyler directs at Chester.


Lucas and Max begin to get up, Lucas arm still being around Max as they do. Chester goes to get up as well, all of them making their way out of the door.

"Thanks again for paying for me Lucas, that was very generous of you." Chester says, his hands going on his pockets.

"Oh don't mention it, just be sure to not do it again though, they're not a lot of nice people like me." Lucas smiles.

Max laughs while lightly nudging Lucas. "My friends will be with us next time we meet, I want you to meet them all."

Chester smiles tightly while nodding his head. "Okay."

Max makes her way in the car, Lucas closing the door behind her. "Don't be nervous, we all only just killed a psychopath..." Lucas says while walking backwards to the drivers side while looking at Chester and shrugging his shoulders. "....and a Mind Flayer, and some demodogs and demogorgons." Lucas shrugs simply, smiling at Chester's expression before he gets inside of the car, starting it off before driving off.

Max throws her head back while laughing. "You're so mean." She laughs hard, shaking her head while her laughs.

"I'm honest, and hey sometimes the truth hurts." Lucas responds with a smile while still looking at the road.

Max laughs in response. "What were you guys talking about when I went to the bathroom?"

"He asked about my hands." Lucas responds.

Max nods her head. "So what do you think?"

"I don't know honestly, it is going to take more than just one dinner. But he still has this tension about him when it comes to me and you."

"Yeah I know that and I am going to have to talk to him about that because it is starting to get on my nerves. I do not like the statement he made saying that you order for me, like I can't think for myself."

"Exactly, like I just do everything for you."

"Exactly, I don't like that." Max mentions, she did see some things she didn't exactly like. She didn't like the way how supposedly Chester was trying to feel Lucas out, that was only for Lucas and Lucas only to do, not him. Max saw the way that he asked Lucas questions, almost wanting a different answer but Lucas handled him perfectly, answering his questions simply and throwing back questions at him, very specific questions at that. That is why Max stayed quiet for a little while Lucas was asking his questions, she wanted to observe the reactions and listen to his answers.

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