Names of Remembrance part 2 (Fluff and more OHHH)

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"Does he look cute?" Max questions, her sitting in a chair with Amberlee in her lap, her holding a magazine in front of them both, everyone else doing their own thing.

Amberlee looks at the guy on the magazine. "Eh."

"Yeah me too." Max says, her going to turn the page, looking at the different people in the magazine. "What about him?"

"Eh." Amberlee says again.

"Yeah." Max laughs, her turning the page to the magazine to look through the pictures. "How about him?" Max looks over at Amberlee, seeing how she scrunches up her face while shaking her head. "No? Dang you are picky."

"Thank you all for helping clean." The doctor says to the boys.

"Yeah no problem." Lucas responds, all of them going to shake the doctors hand. Lucas goes to sit down next to Max, his arm going over the chair.

"What about him?" Max motions towards Lucas with a smile.

"What about me?" Lucas questions.

"Eh." Amberlee giggles.

"Yeah he is a eh." Max laughs.

"Eh what?" Lucas questions, him looking between Max and Amberlee with a smile. "Oh I see, you all are talking about looks huh?"

"What no." Max waves off.

"Well Angel you want to know what your mother thinks?" He questions with a smile.

"Yeah." She giggles.

"She thinks I am one fine piece of man!" He says while tickling her, Amberlee laughing while she lightly kicks her legs.

"No she doesn't!" Amberlee laughs.

"Oh yes she does." Lucas responds with a laugh. "Angel why are your hands so oily?"

"Oh yeah me and Amir were rubbing Auntie El's bump with you and mommy's oil." Amberlee explains.

Lucas eyes immediately widen, him looking over at Max and Max just looking ahead of her while moving her lips around a little bit, her trying to avoid his gaze.

"Can I get a snack?" Amberlee questions.

"Yeah sure." Max says, going to hand Amberlee some money. "Go to the vending machine right here okay?" Max points.

"Okay." She responds, her hopping off of Max's lap and going over to the vending machine.

"Okay before you say anything—"

"How." Lucas starts, turning his body towards her. "How did she even find it?"

"She didn't El did." Max says, sending Lucas a smile. "That...counts for something right?" She smiles, Lucas just looking at her with a bored expression. "Oh come on it's not like I could take it away from her! She's El and she is pregnant and she was in pain. If it will make you feel better we can get another brand."

"Yeah that would make me feel better." Lucas says.

"But the bad news is that Nancy knows you know....the purpose of the...liquid." Max says. " know she's Nancy so she is going to tease us about it."

"Oh guys I just had to help your child get her snack out of the machine because her hands were oily with you alls sex oil." Nancy motions with walking past them, her going to contently sit by Steve.

Max just gives a tight smile while flipping Nancy the bird, Lucas just rolling his eyes and Nancy giving a nice sarcastic smile.

"Okay so think this." Holly starts, her legs being crossed while looking at the magazine, Erica sitting by her and Amir on the other side of her eating his snack. "Me with a short hairstyle but my hair would still be fluffy!" Holly says. "Like...a pompadour type hairstyle."

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