Baby Reveal (Fluff all around)

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Ahhh, seventh period, the last period of the day.

Thank the lord she doesn't have it with Ryder.

The last two periods absolutely sucked, because the last two teachers sat Ryder by Amberlee because she is the smartest, and most likely her fourth period teacher is going to do the exact same thing to her, which she hates.

But at least during this period she can unwind herself, her sitting alone just as she wants. Since of course she can't have Lucas for Algebra she has another teacher, and she already takes advanced leveled classes anyways.

Amberlee looks at the shiny silver and purple watch on her wrist, smiling softly to herself when she sees it is only a few minutes left until the school day ends.

"Okay everyone you can start putting up your stuff. Make sure you read chapters thirty through thirty five because we are going to be discussing it tomorrow and there is a closed book assignment on it too for a grade."

Amberlee puts her backpack strap over her shoulder, her going to stand up when the bell finally rings, her smiling as she leaves out of the classroom and makes her way down the hallway, her stopping in her tracks when she thinks about something. She goes to reach for her blackberry phone in her pocket, going to dial a number and put it to her ear.

"I want his warm hugs and sweet kisses." Max pouts.

"Then call him!" Nancy tells her, both of them being in her office.

"No he's working!" Max says. "And I still have to get some work done."

"Then go do so." Nancy motions with a smile.

"Am I annoying you?" Max tilts her head.

"Yeah." Nancy deadpans.

Max rolls her eyes, going to reach for her phone in her slack pocket and putting it to her ear while plopping down on Nancy's lap. "Hello?"

"Mom you forgot to give me your credit card!" Amberlee says.

"Oh shit! I mean shoot." Max says. "Just come by and I'll give it to you."

"But that'll be backtracking for me, don't worry I can just get Dad's."

"Wait but you still have to come over here!"


"Because I'm lonely! And Nancy is being mean to me!"

"Auntie be nice to mom it's the hormones." Amberlee says.

"I am!" Nancy defends.

"Come over hereeeeeee." Max pouts.

"Okay okay alright." Amberlee surrenders. "I just have to get Dad's card and do the shopping, drop it off then come back, ugh so much work, but okay, I'll see you soon."

"See you soon." Max smiles before hanging up the phone. "You'll due for now, hold me."

Nancy just gives her a look of confusion before rolling her eyes.

"So would Tuesdays and Thursdays work for you for tutorin?" Ryder questions at Lucas, Lucas leaning on his desk while Ryder stands in front of him.

"Yeah it does, we can set them up then." Lucas says. "What do you say you struggle most in?"


"Dad I have a crisis!" Amberlee breaths while she makes her way inside of the room, her putting down her backpack, her resting her hands on her knees while holding her index finger up while she breathes out.

"You good?" Ryder questions.

Amberlee just glares at him. "No I'm not good as you say, I require assistance!"

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