Making New Memories (Smut and Fluff)

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The seagulls can be heard through the windows, the white thin curtains fan along because of the AC blowing cool air under it. Max and Lucas lay sound asleep, Lucas on top of Max, his hands around Max's waist, holding her against him while he sleeps, his head in the crook of Max's neck. His light snores can be heard, the vibrations against Max's neck.

It relaxes her, she lays sound asleep as well. Her arms wrapped around his neck, occasionally scratching his back when she wakes up a little only to doze back off. Max can see the daylight when she opens her eyes half way, but she is far too comfortable to turn around and look at the time on the clock. She puts her head back in Lucas shoulder close to his neck, closing her eyes once again to go back to sleep.

Today they have a lot planned, most of the plans consisted of all of the crew going to the ocean to rent a boat and sail the sea, not too far but also to do dumb things like fish and throw rocks in the water to make them skip. All of them agreed, knowing since they are with one another no matter what they do it would be fun. They decided to go to the lake and hit up more stores and gift shops until it hits evening then go to the carnival that is open. They all agreed to start early, but Max is pretty sure that they slept in late. She doesn't try and say anything, she just goes right back to sleep.

That sleep is interrupted when a hard knock is hard on their door. "Love birds! Oh loooveeee birds!" Robin drags out.

Max groans while still trying to go to sleep, Lucas lightly stirring.

"Come on! Get up!" Robin yells, still knocking hard on the door.

"Lucas get the door." Max grumbles, lightly pushing Lucas shoulder.

"Five more minutes." Lucas grumbles.

"I am not going to stop until one of you opens this door to let me know you all are getting ready!" Robin yells while still hanging on the door.

Lucas groans, going to get up and put on his sweatpants. He goes to swing the door open, giving a sleepy sarcastic but irritated smile at Robin. "Happy?" Lucas says while throwing his hands up.

"Uhh no because you are still in your night clothes!" Robin says while slapping his chest.


"It's ten and we said we would be leaving by ten thirty. Hurry up chop chop!" Robin says while waving her hand, beginning to make her way to Steve and Nancy's room to annoy them.

Lucas closes the door, sighing a little while throwing his hand up. "Why did we say we would leave at ten thirty?" Lucas questions while turning over to Max.

Max is already up while she goes to put on Lucas muscle shirt on the floor. "I don't know, excitement, not really thinking." Max smiles, stretching a little and yawning. "We're up now so."

"Yeah thanks to Robin." Lucas states, going to pick up the clothes off the floor to put them into the suitcase, him also grabbing an outfit to wear and setting it on the bed.

Max puts her hair up in a ponytail, going to grab her body wash and sponge. Max is about to go into the bathroom when she looks over her shoulder at Lucas, a smirk growing on her face. "Joining me?"

Lucas looks up, seeing Max smile at him lightly, only wearing one of his shirts that comes to her upper thigh. "Are you teasing me again?" Lucas questions, his eyebrows lightly raising.

Max only shrugs with a smile, going into the bathroom and turning on the shower water. Lucas definitely knows she is teasing when she throws his shirt out of the bathroom, making him chuckle lightly.

Lucas smiles, lightly tripping over his sweatpants as he begins to take them off, going to grab his body wash as well before going into the bathroom. The steamy air can already be seen, clouding up the bathroom, Lucas opens the curtain a little to get in the shower with Max.

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